Human Services

Committee Minutes

DATE: November 10, 2008, 5:00 p.m., County Board Gallery, Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Alexander, Bowers, Fabisiak, Dippel, Fordham, Endres, Stoeckmann, Sinklair

Members Excused: None

Members Absent: Vertein

Others Present: Orth, Box

Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Dippel to adopt the agenda. Motion Carried.

Motion by Fordham, seconded by Bowers to approve minutes of the previous meeting. Motion Carried.


Fordham reported on the Central Wisconsin Community Action Council (CWCAC) and that their budget is 4.7 million. All programs are self-sufficient, except the food pantry., it runs $55,000 in the red. CWCAC continues loans for flooding. Central Wisconsin Community Action Council wages are paid according to a grant that funds the program. CWCAC just bought a building in Beaver Dam for a food pantry.

Bowers reported that Reedsburg Helping Hands is not taking any more applications as of November 10. Applications from Reedsburg are coming to the Baraboo Giving Tree. The need is great this year.

Business Items:

A. Review and Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Box distributed the monthly voucher report (see attached). Stoeckmann reviewed the report noting that salaries and benefits increased due to having three pay periods in the month. Community Living & Supportive Services, Community Residential and Accounts Receivable all decreased due to the implementation of Family Care. Sauk County is no longer paying the bills we once were, nor are we receiving the cost share/room and board that we once were. Institutions also decreased due to not receiving the bill on time to pay in this month's payables. Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Sinklair to approve the vouchers in the amount of $1,431,836.90. Motion Carried.

B. Transportation Grant & ADRC Presentation-Ashley Nedeau-Owen/Trish Vandre: Vandre stated that the ADRC began in July and new staff that were hired from Human Services started on July 7, 2008. Telephone traffic has increased even though there has not been any advertising except what is mentioned in their newsletter. They are up 1400 contacts per month. The Disability Benefit Specialist started in August and has experience with disability issues. This person comes from a criminal justice background. The ADRC is recruiting for another Information Assistant Specialist. The clients coming off the waiting list are choosing Care Wisconsin, Self Support (IRIS - consumer directs care with counseling from the State). Statewide figures show that 20% of contacts to the ADRC are seeking publicly funded Long Term Care, 80% of contacts are seeking something else. Two weeks after the contact, the client is followed up on to see if they received proper help or information. Regionally, the ADRC is working well.

Ashley Nedeau-Owen introduced Jeff Segelbreck from Dodgeville. Mr. Segelbreck wrote a grant that includes Sauk County for a car loan program. The loan is 0% interest and can be $4,000-$4,500. They charge a 5% administration fee which the consumer needs to come up with out of pocket. This fee is used to repair cars if needed. There is no cost to Sauk County. People referred need to be under 200% poverty level. The cars are purchased through dealerships. The consumer must carry full insurance coverage. Each vehicle now has an on-time device in the car which beeps starting on day one to day six when the payment is due. If payment is not made, the car will not start until payment is made. If a consumer is close to getting a loan, someone will go with them to the bank and guarantee the loan for the consumer. They also provide classes (case management) that most of the clients have to attend. They will also loan up to 90% of repair costs if a car needs repairs. That amount is added to the loan.

Ashley Nedeau-Owen discussed the continuum of care program. The job of mobility management is creating partnerships to maximize transportation. He talked about the New Freedom Grant, STRAP (Supplemental Transportation Rural Assistance Program) Grant. They have applied for a continuation and it has been approved even though they have not spent any of the first grant money. With the grant you have to have two buses and hire drivers (three part-time or two full time project positions subject to grant funding. Buses would make a loop three times a day. It would be open to anyone for a flat fee of $2.00 - $5.00. There would be no tax levy as funding is provided by the grant. Ashley is asking for approval from the Human Services Board to go ahead with the purchase of the buses and hiring of drivers. Motion by Fordham, seconded by Stoeckmann to issue Request for Proposals and hire three part-time or two full time drivers (project positions). Motion Carried.

C. SBIRT AODA Treatment Addendum: Orth and Box explained the addendum which is in the amount of $3,000. Box stated that the initial contract ran from 9/1/07 to 9/30/08 in the amount of $3,369 and nothing has been spent. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Dippel to approve the contract addendum. Motion Carried.

Department Updates:

A. WCHSA Fall Conference: Orth stated that the conference will be held in Stevens Point and board members should contact him if they are interested in attending.

B. LaCrosse Lakeview Mississippi Valley Health Care: Orth stated that a non-stock corporation was formed. The State is now indicating that a non-stock corporation is a public entity and is illegally supplementing Medical Assistance and a private entity needs to be formed. A commission was formed to dissolve the non-stock corporation. The State agreed to get an opinion from the Assistant Attorney General and are now waiting for this opinion before proceeding. A Resolution would need to be brought back to the Human Services Board if the private entity is approved. They have collected $600,000 from counties and are putting that money in escrow. The money would be refunded.

C. Meeting with Landlords: Subcommittee of homeless group. Met with 50-60 landlords. Another meeting was scheduled to continue the dialogue. Dan Brattset will discuss this in more detail at a future meeting.

D. 2009 Budget Update: Orth indicated that the Jail Diversion project did not pass. There is a doctorate student interested in working at the jail and something may be able to be worked out with that person. The Boys and Girls Club request did not pass. Otherwise, everything we requested in the budget remained.

E. Long Term Care Redesign: Sue Hebel will be coming to the December meeting to discuss Family Care. Orth stated that WPS will be doing the claims processing for Southwest Family Care Alliance. Orth discussed the MIDAS computer system and that Milwaukee County is using it. The care management rate for 2008 is $89.28. The state wants it in the $70.00 range. Orth stated that two full time positions will not be needed effective January 1, 2009 and this will lower the rate. Orth is hoping these two positions will be able to take other open positions within Human Services. Currently, there is an open position in the Data/Fiscal Unit and also the FSET project position. Orth has scheduled a meeting with the Personnel Director to discuss this. Endres stated he would like the county MIS Department to endorse the MIDAS system so there are no costly problems to Sauk County.

The next meeting of the Sauk County Human Services Board is scheduled for Monday, December 8, 2008 at 5:30 p.m.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Sinklair to adjourn. Motion Carried.

Scott Alexander