Land Conservation Committee
DATE: Thursday, March 20, 2008
TIME: 12:00 p.m.
County Brd. Gallery (Room 326B)
West Square Building
Baraboo, WI
- Call to order and certify compliance with open meeting law
- Adopt agenda
- Adopt minutes of previous meeting
- Public comment
- Communications
a. Thursday Note(s)
- Legislative updates
- Reports
- Review and approval of training events
- Review and approval of vouchers
- Report on Southwest Badger RC&D meeting-Wiese
- Approval of Lehman's attendance at WCA Agriculture/Environment & Land Use Committee meetings.
- Staffing update.
- Mirror Lake Dam repair update
- Review of Draft Form 1 for 2009 budget
- Review and approval of Farmland Preservation Agreement - Gerald & Carol Bindl
- Meet with Agricultural Advisory Committee regarding divisions to Animal Waste Ordinance.
- Establish next meeting date
- Adjournment
COPIES TO: Linda Borleske Wildlife Damage Service LCD-Albrecht Renewal-Tollaksen
Robert Cassity WDS-Peterson LCD-Bergstrom Web Liaison
Gerald Lehman DNR-Roth LCD-Van Berkel Prem
Randy Puttkamer DATCP-Fallat FSA-Norgard Schauf
Lester Wiese Sen. Kohl-Cates UWEX-Nagelkerk
Kathy Zowin NRCS-Brereton Ho-Chunk-Gunderson
County Clerk NRCS-Jackson-Kelly Forester-Livingston/Kloppenburg
DATE NOTICE MAILED: March 13, 2008
PREPARED BY: Land Conservation Department