Land Conservation Committee
DATE: Thursday, August 14, 2008
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
UW-Extension Meeting Room No. 328
West Square Building, Baraboo, WI
- Call to order and certify compliance with open meeting law
- Adopt agenda
- Adopt minutes of previous meeting
- Public comment
- Communications
- Thursday Note(s)
- Notice from Town of Merrimac regarding abandonment of Oak Street
- Amendment to recent Natural Resource Conservation Service Cooperative Agreement
- Legislative updates
- Reports
- Land Conservation Department report
- Natural Resources Conservation Service report
- Farm Service Agency report
- Foresters' report
- Economic Development Committee report
- Mirror Lake District report
- Lake Virginia Management District report
- Lake Redstone Management District report
- Southwest Badger Resource Conservation & Development (RC&D) - Steve Bertjens
- Review and approval of training events and meetings
- Approval of Wiese's attendance at SAA Meeting and Tour
- *Review and approval of vouchers
- Review and approval of 2009 proposed budget
- Request approval to restore Koenig to full-time status
- Request approval for part-time contour strip crop assistance
- Update on flood recovery efforts in Clark Creek, Otter Creek, Spring Green and other areas
- Consider resolution from Town of Greenfield regarding flooding along Highway 113 and the possible adoption of a county resolution supporting a thorough review of possible options that could resolve the issue
- Review and approval of Farmland Preservation Agreement - Timothy and Kim Schmitz
- Establish next meeting date
- Adjournment
COPIES TO: Linda Borleske Wildlife Damage Service LCD-Stanek Renewal-Tollaksen
Tom Kriegl WDS-Peterson LCD-Bergstrom Web Liaison
Shawn Posewitz DNR-Roth LCD-Van Berkel Prem
Randy Puttkamer DATCP-Fallat FSA-Norgard SW Badger RC&D-Bertjens
Lester Wiese Sen. Kohl-Cates UWEX-Nagelkerk
Kathy Zowin NRCS-Brereton Ho-Chunk-Gunderson
County Clerk NRCS-Jackson-Kelly Forester-Livingston/Kloppenburg
DATE NOTICE MAILED: August 7, 2008 PREPARED BY: Land Conservation Department