DATE: January 10, 2008
Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:32 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Lehman, Wiese, Borleske, and Cassity from the Committee; Livingston-DNR; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD.
Motion by Cassity/Zowin to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.
Motion by Lehman/Zowin to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on December 13, 2007. Motion carried, all in favor.
There were none.
A. Thursday Note-One WLWCA Thursday Note was received by the LCC at their homes.
B. Devil's Lake land purchase - notice sent to Marty Krueger. Devil's Lake State Park is purchasing 20 acres as noted in their master plan. Livingston also answered questions about the commercial timber harvest being done along Hwy. 113. There was some discussion regarding the shooting and trapping of beavers at Devil's Lake State Park.
C. Grede air pollution permit review-Grede has asked for a new facility, and DNR noted there are no significant adverse effects. The LCC could appeal this decision if we felt necessary but there were no concerns.
D. Wiese signed the 2007 SWRM Grant Staff and Reimbursement for Sauk County in the amount of $174,251.16.
Legislature is considering a statewide phosphorous ban for lawn fertilizers not agricultural land. The Lake and Rivers group active in the county is considering requesting the LCC draft a resolution to support this ban. Great Lakes Compact is another important resource issue the legislature is dealing with at this time.
Livingston noted that the winter weather is impacting logging, and markets are pretty depressed now. There was discussion regarding local pulpwood markets and their future due to the downsizing of the pulpwood mills in the Wisconsin Rapids area. A lot of industrial paper mill land is being sold off to the state and private landowners.
There are 84 active grants at varying stages for the Wisconsin Landowner Grant Program. Another 11 landowners are waiting for grants from the Wisconsin Forest Landowner Grant Program (WFLGP). Landowners received a couple of Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) grants for forest management practices. The LCD can assist with WFLGP, and then the LCD will receive reimbursement for their assistance.
The Managed Forest Law (MFL) is not as vibrant a program as in the past, and the rates have changed for 2008. Legislature did make a change to MFL to not allow leasing out land for hunting.
The Wisconsin Healthy Forest Pilot is an initiative to try and recruit landowners to participate in forestry management. Woodland Advocate Pilot, a spin-off from the Wisconsin Healthy Forest Pilot, has now begun where landowners in Baraboo Township will be put in contact with Dick Mielke. He is volunteering to answer questions, be a filter and tell about his own experiences, and where to go for assistance.
Livingston distributed the 2007 Gypsy Moth Trap Takedown Data report. There is a real budget problem for cost sharing gypsy moth spraying on private lands.
The replacement for Bryan Woodbury as Wildlife Manager covering Sauk County is Rebecca Roth.
Van Berkel noted that the Land Conservation Department monthly report included the final status numbers for 2007 accomplishments.
Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the list of training events. Motion carried, all in favor.
Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Zowin/Borlekse to approve 2007 and 2008 bills in the amount of $11,972.76. Motion carried, all in favor.
Van Berkel explained the difficulties encountered on a recent manure storage installation in the Spring Green area. The manure storage structure is a pre-approved facility, but the county still reviews the structure's location, how manure is transferred in, etc. This regularly causes problems because neither landowners or the contractor recognize this issue. The specific installation was also cost shared by the federal government through the EQIP Program. This resulted in both a county inspector and a contracted engineering firm on site representing the federal government. Problems arose because the contracted inspector was not documenting and recording construction shortcomings. The contractor felt the county was being unduly harsh because of this discrepancy. Van Berkel suggested a letter for Wiese's signature regarding the shortcomings of the inspection by the contracted engineer and concerns regarding the adequacy of these facilities built elsewhere without a thorough county inspection. Motion by Cassity/Lehman to authorize Wiese to sign the letter and send it on. Motion carried, all in favor. Van Berkel noted this is a continuing problem for the department and that the number one priority in the county LWRM survey was to protect the groundwater. Committee supported the LCD's efforts to protect groundwater.
Van Berkel informed the LCC that staff has been working with Dave Marshall, as a consultant, on a project to evaluate 13 oxbow lakes along the Wisconsin River in the Lower Wisconsin Riverway. These are lakes that may be isolated from the Wisconsin River. The project would do fish sampling and some plant samplings to better identify any unique features. The grant request would be for slightly over $10,000 and the county commitment required would be in-kind service from LCD staff to assist with the monitoring of these resources. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the submission of a Lake Planning Grant for the Lower Wisconsin River Oxbow Lake study and authorize Van Berkel to represent the county in the management of any grant received. Motion carried, all in favor.
Van Berkel noted that there were only minor grammar changes made to the document since the last review. The plan will be distributed at next week's County Board session and then up for approval at the February County Board meeting. Motion to adopt the resolution provided approving the Plan by Zowin/Cassity. Motion carried, all in favor.
Van Berkel distributed a list of suggested names to serve on the Agricultural Advisory Committee. Approximately ten are needed on the committee. The LCC directed Van Berkel to send out letters and ask the selected people if they are interested. At the next LCC meeting, the LCC will review the volunteers and develop the committee. It was suggested that we could possibly could hold their meeting(s) in conjunction with a LCC meeting.
Motion to adjourn until February 20 at 9:30 a.m. by Lehman/Borleske at 11:39 a.m. Motion carried, all in favor.
Kathy Zowin, Secretary