Land Conservation Committee Minutes

DATE: February 20, 2008

Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:41 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Wiese, Borleske, Cassity, and Puttkamer from the Committee; Peterson-WDS; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD. Lehman was absent.

Adopt agenda:

Motion by Borleske/Zowin to adopt the agenda with changes to move the closed hearing to the end of the agenda and the review of Wildlife Damage Claims to immediately after Public Comments. Motion carried, all in favor.

Randy Puttkamer was welcomed as the new FSA Committee member to the LCC. He furnished his background and stated that he would like to discuss PDRs at a future LCC meeting.

Adopt minutes of previous meeting:

Motion by Zowin/Cassity to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting held on January 10. Motion carried, all in favor.

Public comment:

There was none.


A. Reply from NRCS to TSP concern-Van Berkel briefed the LCC on the response received from NRCS to the letter regarding Technical Service Providers (TSPs), the shortcomings of the inspection by these contracted engineers, and its implications. NRCS stated that they understand there is a problem and appreciate the documentation. They are working to address the issue through sampling of job performance reviews of TSPs and training opportunities.

B. Extension of CREP enrollment period-the completed agreement to extend the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) signup until June 15, 2008 was received.

C. Thursday Note-One WLWCA Thursday Note was received by the LCC at their homes.

D. Dues for WLWCA-Van Berkel informed the LCC that an invoice in the amount of $950 has been received for the 2008 WLWCA dues and is a budgeted expense. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve paying the 2008 WLWCA dues in the amount of $950. Motion carried, all in favor. The dues will increase in 2009 and is the first increase since 1992.

Legislative updates:

Van Berkel noted that the legislature is nearing the end of being in session. Legislature is considering a statewide phosphorous ban for lawn fertilizers. It would not impact agricultural land. The Lake and Rivers group active in the county is considering requesting the LCC draft a resolution to support this ban. Approval of the Great Lakes Compact is another important resource issue the legislature is dealing with at this time.


Van Berkel noted that the Land Conservation Department monthly report was mailed to their homes with the agenda.

Training events:

Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the list of training events. Motion carried, all in favor.

Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve Wiese's attendance at the Southwest Badger RC&D meeting in March. Motion carried, all in favor.

Review and approval of vouchers:

Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Borleske/Zowin to approve the 2007 and 2008 bills for the total amount of $12,071.67. Motion carried, all in favor.

Review and approval of 2007 Wildlife Damage Claims:

Peterson reported there are three claims eligible. Participants met all program requirements, they shot the deer required, and there were no issues with hunting access. The damage levels with the three claims were about the same as the past couple years, but the total number of claims in Sauk County is down. Motion by Cassity/Borleske to pay the wildlife damage claims as follows: Steve Emerson-$2,953.73, Howard Engel-$683.77, Doug Farber-$3,046.57. Motion carried, all in favor.

The LCC discussed promoting the various services that the Wildlife Damage Service offers in future newsletters and/or in news releases.

Selection of Agricultural Advisory Committee members:

Letters were sent to about 50 people along with the LCC. Responses were received from 12 people. Motion by Borleske/Puttkamer to approve the following people to serve on the Ag Advisory Committee: Harold Haag, Linda White, Don Stevens, Brad Schyvinck, Mike Wehler, Bill Jaquish, John Tourdot, Monte Cook, Tim Ryan, Ed Liegel, Joe Prem, Ketty Clow. Motion carried, all in favor. The LCC would like to participate in the meetings, and Wiese will chair the first meeting on March 20 at 1:00 p.m. Four meetings are suggested with one topic per meeting (animal waste ordinance, livestock rules, implementation of state runoff rules-NR151, PDRs).

Update on Department staffing issues:

Van Berkel informed the LCC that Resource Conservationist Dick Albrecht has submitted his retirement notification for April 2008. There is money budgeted for the position. Van Berkel recommends doing an internal promotion of Mike Stanek to the Resource Conservationist position. Knowing this has been coming, Jen Stewart has been trained and certified in conservation planning. Her title would remain the same but it would be a change in job duties. The LCC agreed with the above recommendations. Van Berkel would then like to fill the resulting vacant technician position. He felt the position could be filled and continue to be funded with anticipated grant increases. He felt filling the position was justified because the Department has taken on more projects - implementation of the new nonpoint rules, Clean Sweep and recycling coordination, Gypsy Moth coordinator, etc. Work is being requested that we cannot address. The LCC recommended the technician hired have a background in recycling background and also work with Clean Sweep.

Review of Mirror Lake Dam Inspection Report:

The report was received recently for the dam inspection completed by DNR in the fall of 2006. The report requires a dam failure analysis, adoption of protective zoning, preparation of an inspection and maintenance plan, and some concrete repairs. The original deadlines were extended for one year upon the request from Parks. We may need to drop the water level and do some repairs so may try to coordinate with the dredging. Department will bring this back in the summer to look at options including partnering with DNR and lake management district to fund repairs. The costs will be included in the capital planning process for 2009.

Update on Mirror Lake Sediment Basin Project:

Zowin reported that the money was received through the state stewardship fund. The lake district is in charge of overseeing the money and project. Vierbecher is getting the permit application process ready and preparing the proposal for bidding. They estimate it will start this summer and be done in about four months. Van Berkel will contact Vierbecher to coordinate the repair with dredging if it is beneficial.

Update on nonpoint rule implementation, nutrient management planning and LWRM cost-share applications:

The Department is taking our first major step toward implementation of the rules - FPP meetings discussed the requirements in detail with 250 people that signed certificates referencing the statutes. Van Berkel emphasized the need to have the UW-Extension Ag Agent involved with the educational process and follow up after the training. The Committee discussed getting more crop consultants certified to assist with the workload. Committee emphasized the plan is a tool to make farmers more profitable. The rules and their implementation will be discussed at the second meeting with the Ag Advisory Committee. Committee suggested maybe someone attend the Koenecke spring appreciation days to present on the state rules.

There is $65,000 available for 2008 Land and Water Resource Management (LWRM) cost sharing. There were 31 applications received requesting $132,000 for cost-share assistance. The concern is how are we going to get funds needed to offer the 70 percent cost sharing required to help landowners come into compliance to meet the state requirements. Targeted Runoff Management (TRM) funds are one source, but counties with enforcement authority for the rules gain multiplier scoring.

The Department is starting to document landowners' compliance through a certification form when they apply for LWRM and Dell Creek cost sharing. Certification forms have been completed at the FPP meetings for the past few years.

Possible closed session pursuant to Wisc. Stats. 19.85(a)(c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Performance evaluation of County Conservationist:

Motion to go into closed session by Zowin/Borleske. Roll call vote, all in favor.

Reconvene in open session:

Motion to return to open session by Borleske/Cassity. Roll call vote, all in favor.

Motion to adjourn until March 13 at 9:30 a.m. by Cassity/Zowin at 12:15 p.m. Motion carried, all in favor.

Kathy Zowin, Secretary