Land Conservation Committee Minutes

DATE: April 18, 2008

Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:05 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Lehman, Wiese, Borleske, Cassity, and Puttkamer from the Committee; Brereton-NRCS; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD. Agricultural Advisory Committee members and public arrived later: Harold Haag, Monte Cook, Tim Ryan, Ed Liegel, Bill Jaquish, Ed Brooks, Donald Stevens, Linda White, Mike Enge, John Tourdot, Ketty Clow, Joe Prem, Brad Schyvinck. Also present for Agricultural Advisory Committee portion of meeting: Marty Krueger-County Board, Mark Steward and Dave Tremble-P&Z, Keith Foye and Brian Loeffelholz-DATCP.

Adopt agenda:

Motion by Borleske/Zowin to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.

Adopt minutes of previous meetings:

Motion by Borleske/Zowin to adopt the minutes of the LCC meeting on March 20. Motion carried, all in favor.

Motion by Zowin/Borleske to adopt the minutes of the LCC meeting on April 3. Motion carried, all in favor.

Public comment:

There was none.


A. Thursday Note(s)-One Thursday Note was received at the Committee members' homes.

B. NACD dues notice-Van Berkel noted that the budget included $775 for the annual dues. The Committee agreed to pay this amount.

C. May 22 Southern Area Association meeting notice-Motion by Borleske/Puttkamer to allow Wiese to attend the May 22 SAA meeting. Motion carried, all in favor.

D. DATCP Emergency Rule banning simazine in Spring Green area-Van Berkel informed the LCC that simazine has been found as a contaminate in wells in about a section and half in the Spring Green area. People with wells in this area have been tested, and they are aware of this concern. Governor Doyle will do an emergency rule to ban simazine. Then inspectors will go and ask for voluntary compliance. This is an informational agenda item, no action necessary.

Legislative updates:

Nothing to report.


Brereton noted that there was a statewide Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) signup for waste storage with 118 applications statewide of which 30 were funded. No applicants in Sauk County. There was a Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program signup. Two of the three Sauk County applications were funded. The Conservation Security Program (CSP) is having a signup this year. If they get busy enough in Sheboygan County, she may need to assist them during May. This is an opportunity for her to learn about this complex program, in preparation for a potential program in Sauk County in the future. The Farm Bill expires today, but there has been a request for a week extension.

Puttkamer mentioned that he was at a meeting with the City of Baraboo where they discussed not financially supporting the Clean Sweep Program. They felt it was a "farmer" problem. Puttkamer stressed how Clean Sweep does benefit everyone, especially when done in conjunction with computer equipment, etc. Van Berkel will contact Baraboo City Administrator Ed Geick regarding Clean Sweep. Van Berkel is looking into options to work with LaCrosse or Dane County to possibly provide the service cheaper and more regularly. Zowin noted the need to get information out to municipalities on who to contact and what to do with these type of wastes.

Review and approval of training events:

Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the list of training events. Motion carried, all in favor.

Review and approval of vouchers:

Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Borleske/Zowin to approve bills in the amount of $17,217.67. Motion carried, all in favor.

Approval of 2008 Soil and Water Resource Management contract with DATCP:

Van Berkel informed the LCC that the 2008 Soil and Water Resource Management contract with DATCP is for funding for staff and the extension of some projects from last year. It does not cover Dell Creek's cost sharing. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the contract. Motion carried, all in favor.

Approve proposal to provide burn service at HCC restoration project:

Van Berkel discussed the maintenance needed for the 13-acre prairie restoration at the Health Care Center. In the past, county staff has worked with DNR staff to burn, but they will not be able to assist this time. No LCD staff is certified to act as fire boss. Staff checked with various organizations. Seiferts Field & Service provided a bid to do the project for $1,300 in May, which is about the same as the expenses for staff time to do the burn. Other providers could not schedule it this spring. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve a $1,300 contract with Seiferts. Motion carried, with Lehman voting nay.

Request to cut firewood from HCC property:

Kent Westphal contacted Lehman about taking the dead elms along Hwy. 23 southwest. There was some question if they might be in the road right of way. Van Berkel will check into the options for a future meeting.

Selection of teacher scholarship recipient(s):

Pohle informed the LCC that there was only one applicant for the two teacher scholarships offered. Motion by Borleske/Lehman to approve Dana Westedt from Reedsburg's South Elementary School for up to $250 to attend the Forest Flora Workshop at Trees for Tomorrow and to extend the deadline for potential late applicants. Motion carried, all in favor. The LCC would appreciate her presenting a report on the workshop at a future LCC meeting.

Selection of scholarship recipient(s) youth conservation camp(s):

Pohle noted that this year in addition to the two scholarships offered for the Wisconsin Land & Water Conservation Camp for Grades 9-11, two scholarships were offered to the Sand Lake Conservation Camp for students entering Grades 6-10. Samual Kendall was the only applicant for the Sand Lake Conservation Camp, and there were no applicants for the WLWCA camp. Motion by Borleske/Zowin to approve Samual Kendall for attendance at the Sand Lake Conservation Camp and to extend the deadline for late applicants. Motion carried, all in favor.

Meet with Agricultural Advisory Committee regarding Purchase of Development Rights (PDRs):

The LCC, members of the appointed Agricultural Advisory Committee, and staff from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection discussed Purchase of Development Rights (PDRs). No action was taken. Advisory Committee members suggested a meeting in the future for updates on the animal waste ordinance, livestock rules, implementation of state runoff rules-NR151, and PDRs.

Motion to adjourn until May 15 at 9:00 a.m. at the HCC by Lehman/Puttkamer at 11:55 a.m. Van Berkel will check on getting the EMBS van for the HCC tour. Motion carried, all in favor.

Kathy Zowin, Secretary