Land Conservation Committee Minutes
DATE: Thursday, May 15, 2008
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
Resident Dining Rm.
Sauk County Health Care Center
S4555 Co. Hwy CH, Reedsburg, WI
Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:00 a.m. It was certified that
the requirements of the open meeting law have been met.
Present: Borleske, Posewitz, Wiese, Zowin, and Puttkamer
from the Committee; Van Berkel, Pohle, Stanek, and Koenig-LCD; Schauf-Administrative
Coordinator; Krueger-County Board.
Absent: Kriegl
Adopt agenda: Motion by Borleske/Zowin to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried, all in favor.
Election of officers for 2008-2009:
- Election of Chair: Van Berkel called for nominations for chair
position. Nomination by Borleske/Puttkamer for Wiese as chair.
No other nominations. Motion to close nominations and cast a
unanimous ballot for Wiese by Borleske/Puttkamer.
Motion carried, all in favor.
- Election of Vice Chair: Chair Wiese called for nominations for the position
of vice chair. Nomination by Borleske/Putkammer for Zowin as vice chair.
No other nominations. Motion by Borleske/Posewitz to close nominations
and cast a unanimous ballot for Zowin.
Motion carried, all in favor.
- Election of Secretary: Chair Wiese called for nominations for the position
of secretary. Nomination by Zowin/Posewitz for Borleske to serve as secretary.
There were no other nominations. Motion by Wiese/Zowin to close nominations
and cast a unanimous ballot for Borleske.
Motion carried, all in favor.
Adopt minutes of previous meeting:
Motion by Zowin/Borleske to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting
on April 18.
Motion carried, all in favor.
Input on the Economic Development Committee and the part that the Land
Conservation Committee will have in the process:
- Input: Marty Krueger briefed the LCC about
the new Economic Development Committee which will have representation
from five county committees. Krueger and Kathy Schauf are gathering
early input from each of these committees. Zowin will be appointed
to represent the LCC committee. Each representative will report
back and forth between the Economic Development Committee and
their respective committee. The aim is not to replace Sauk County
Development Corporation (SCDC) or to blur the lines. Krueger
believes this committee will work in concert with the Property
and Resources Committee-looking at the assets around the county
as a whole and deciding what to do with them. Management of the
rail system and airports were moved into this committee. The
committee basically will serve as a launching platform/aid to
look into countywide issues regarding economic development.
The LCC noted that the new committee could work at attracting
jobs and businesses and stress the importance of natural areas
and protecting farmland.
- Communications: Need to add a standard agenda item
for Zowin to report back to LCC.
Public comment:
- Thursday Note(s)-One Thursday Note was received at the Committee
members' homes and a hard copy was provided to Posewitz.
Legislative updates:
The Great Lakes Compact was approved by the Senate and Assembly.
- LCD report: Van Berkel and Wiese will attend
the Southern Area Association meeting in Verona on May 22.
Van Berkel reported that the Lake Planning Grant for the Lower
Wisconsin River Oxbow Lake has been approved and subcontracted
out to Dave Marshall. The project is designed to get a background
on these lakes by doing some fish and plant samplings.
Borleske brought up a concern Lake Redstone has with manure spreading
and the need for a nutrient management plan on lands around the
The LCC noted that supervisors should provide Lake District reports
as a regular agenda item in the future. Van Berkel briefly reviewed
the LCD monthly report and noted that there is a new section
on the report-unmet assistance requests.
- NRCS report: None.
- FSA report: None.
- Foresters' report: None.
Review and approval of training events:
Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the list of training events.
Motion carried, all in favor.
Motion by Borleske/Puttkamer to allow Wiese to attend the Southwest Badger
RC&D Council meetings in 2008 and also their Executive Board meetings.
Motion carried.
Review and approval of vouchers:
Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by
Borleske/Puttkamer to approve bills in the amount of $43,759.85.
Motion carried, all in favor.
Review and approval of 2009 Department Mission, Vision and Goals:
Committee questioned status of a few project areas and possible progress
in these areas. Motion to approve the 2009 Department Mission, Vision and
Goals as presented by Borleske/Puttkamer.
Motion carried, all in favor.
Discussion of vacant technician position, budget constraints, and impact
on 2008 programs:
Van Berkel informed the LCC that the Personnel Committee had passed
a resolution approving an internal promotion but made it contingent on the
vacated position remaining unfilled. There was no request for input from
the LCC or Department Head regarding this motion. He voiced his concern
that this procedure allows one committee, that is not familiar with workload
or needs within the department, to control staffing levels despite the previous
approval of the LCD staff level by the full County Board in the 2008 budget.
This cut reduces the staff by over 25 percent since 2004. Over the same
time the Department role has increased in recycling, Clean Sweep, nutrient
management, non-point rule enforcement, stormwater management, invasives
species control, and sustainability initiatives. The LCC recommended partnering
with UW-Extension or other departments to make up for this loss. Van Berkel
handed out the 2008 workload analysis for LCC review before the next meeting.
Selection of scholarship recipient(s) youth conservation camp(s):
Pohle presented a scholarship application for Stephanie Wilcott-Otto to
attend the WLWCA Conservation Camp this summer. She noted that others have
expressed interest in attending the youth camps and the deadline for the
camps will be before the next LCC meeting. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve
Wilcott-Otto and up to four more camp scholarships.
Motion carried, all in favor. Pohle will report back at
the next meeting.
Establish next meeting date:
The LCC will meet on June 12 at 9:00 a.m.
LCC will board van to view property at Health Care Center:
The LCC toured the wetland restoration and farmland at the Health Care
Motion to adjourn by Borleske/Zowin at 11:55 a.m.
Motion carried, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted: Linda Borleske, Secretary