DATE: June 12, 2008
Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:05 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Kriegl, Puttkamer, and Wiese from the Committee; Norgard-FSA; Brereton-NRCS; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD; Krueger-County Board. Zowin, Posewitz, and Borleske were absent.
Motion by Puttkamer/Kriegl to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.
Motion by Wiese/Puttkamer to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on May 15. Motion carried, all in favor.
One Thursday Note was received by the LCC at their homes.
A. LCD report-The LCD Monthly Report was distributed to the Committee.
Van Berkel briefed the LCC on the flooding and dams. There is increased concern with the possible extent of impact from the dam break analysis being prepared for the Lake Redstone Dam. Krueger discussed the flooding in Reedsburg, Rock Springs, Spring Green and other communities. This is a countywide disaster. There was discussion about local radio problems and how to counter the misinformation that was going out. There was some surface slumping but fairly minor damage on the Lake Redstone Dam. Mirror Lake Dam also received some minor damage on areas that were already noted for repair. The repairs may need to be done in 2008 instead of 2009. Lake Virginia held up very well and never reached the spillway. There was one house in Merrimac that was threatened by bank failure. As Board Chair, Krueger signed an emergency order allowing Planning & Zoning to give special permits to restore, dredge, fill, etc. during the next 30 days. There are staff from other counties' Emergency Governments assisting Sauk County along with the DNR, who has been very responsive. It was stressed that no matter how minor the damage was, to call and report it to the Emergency Government Office. FEMA appraisers are coming today. Van Berkel noted that the removal of the Baraboo River dams has helped the Baraboo River flooding situation. Committee questioned the final resolution of the Lake Dellona dam taken for back taxes. Van Berkel explained that it was transferred to private ownership and then rebuilt as a low hazard dam.
Van Berkel presented the listing of donations received by the LCD in the amount of $2,400 for educational programs. This report on donations has been reported annually to accounting, but departments have been directed to have their committees also review and accept the donations annually.
B. NRCS report-The village of Lake Delton requested assistance from NRCS for the Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) Program to rechannel Dell Creek away from the breach and back to the dam site. This program provides emergency assistance to relieve hazards to life and property. It will not pay to repair the Lake Delton dam or breach, but only for emergency repairs to prevent more damage. The village as project sponsors will be responsible for 25 percent of the cost, EWP pays 75 percent.
The new Farm Bill has been approved. Most of the same conservation programs will be back.
Additional money was received to fund the last Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program (WHIP) application. All applicants were funded in 2008.
C. FSA report-the County Emergency Management Board met to assesses damage to crops and sent a report to USDA. There is a possibility for funding through the Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) for flood damage which is a cost-share program providing 75 percent of repair costs. The program takes care of debris removal and various repairs that may be needed to conservation practices.
The Direct and Counter-cyclical Program (DCP) will remain the same in 2008, but there will be changes in 2009. The new Farm Bill does have some disaster assistance, but details have yet to be released.
D. Foresters' report-None.
E. Economic Development Committee report-None.
F. Lake District reports-Van Berkel noted that there is a new chair for the Lake Virginia Lake District. All of the lake districts were very active in the flooding situation.
G. The LCC discussed Kurt Koenecke's farming practices. Even though the new nonpoint laws say fields must meet tolerable soil loss, the county does not have the authority to enforce it and DNR has not committed to enforcing the non-point rules on erosion control. Van Berkel will check further on this issue and report at a future meeting.
Motion by Kriegl/Puttkamer to approve the list of training events. Motion carried, all in favor.
Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Puttkamer/Kriegl to approve bills in the amount of $5,213.27. Motion carried, all in favor. Fencing repairs needed at the Health Care Center were discussed. This need will be adressed as the future of the property becomes clearer.
Van Berkel noted that the labor allocation distributed is the same one that was also presented at the May LCC meeting. The commitments identified were based upon the approved 2008 staff level. The question facing the Committee is, due to the staffing cut implemented by the Personnel Committee, what commitments should the department reduce? This decision is made more difficult because at the same time we are reducing staff, we are also seeing increasing demands for assistance with dam management, nutrient management, clean sweep and recycling, and invasive species, especially gypsy moth.
Van Berkel noted that Weirichs have been in the program before, and there have not been any problems. Motion by Kriegl/Puttkamer to approve a 25-year contract for Gregory A. Weirich. Motion carried, all in favor.
At the May meeting the LCC authorized Pohle to approve up to four more scholarships for students to attend the two youth conservation camps. Pohle presented three applications to attend the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Camp-Ashley Brockman, Maia Persche and Madison Hartup. No action was necessary.
Motion to adjourn until July 10 at 9:00 a.m. by Puttkamer/Kriegl at 10:50 a.m. Motion carried, all in favor.
Linda Borleske, Secretary