Land Conservation Committee Minutes

DATE: September 11, 2008
UW-Extension ETN West Square Building

Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:02 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Borleske, Kriegl, Posewitz, Puttkamer, Wiese and Zowin from the Committee; Livingston-Forestry; Brereton-NRCS; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD; Gaalswyk-County Board; Kathy Schauf-County Administrator; Ken Vertein, Brad Hasheider, Gerald Stadler-Conservation Congress.

Adopt agenda:

Motion by Zowin/Posewitz to adopt the agenda with the following amendments- moving the Conservation Congress Budget agenda item up to item #3 of the agenda and editing the title of agenda item #13 by replacing FSA with NRCS. Motion carried, all in favor.

Adopt minutes of previous meeting:

Motion by Posewitz/Borleske to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on August 14. Motion carried, all in favor.

Review and approval of Conservation Congress budget request - Vertein:

Vertein noted that the Congress acts as a liaison between the public and DNR. Their past budget requests were submitted directly to the Finance Committee. He explained the $1,200 would be used for mileage and meal expenses at the annual meeting or other meetings and appearances, otherwise their time and expenses are donated. This is their sole source of funding. Motion by Borleske/Kriegl to approve the Conservation Congress budget request of $1,200. Motion carried, all in favor. It was suggested that the committee would like better communication in the future and suggested a meeting to discuss April public hearing issues.

Public comment:



A. Thursday Note(s) - None

B. Seminar announcement - Working Lands Initiative - announcements were previously placed in all County Board member mailboxes. Seminar will be held September 29 in Stevens Point. County Board member Gerald Lehman and Planning & Zoning Director Mark Steward will attend. Zowin will also attend and other LCC members will check if they can attend.

C. Southern Area Association Meeting - Tentatively scheduled for October 23.

D. DOT is asking for input on rebuild of Hwy. 60 between Hwy. B and Cassell Road. They are expanding on the existing right of way and there are no wetland concerns. No action necessary.

Legislative updates:



A. LCD report - Van Berkel briefly reviewed the mailed LCC monthly report, highlighting Dell Creek progress, a stormwater runoff project in conjunction with the city of Baraboo, the school district and the UW-Baraboo Campus, and the upcoming soil quality seminar.

B. NRCS report - Brereton reported that September 30 is the end of their fiscal year. They are wrapping up Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) payments for 2008. The signup for 2009 EQIP applications is expected to start October 1. They are performing conservation compliance reviews. Approximately 20 referrals have been received for the Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) for damage to conservation practices from the flooding. If cost sharing is provided, they will need to bring the practice up to current NRCS standards.

C. FSA report - None

D. Foresters' report - Livingston reported the DNR is under budget constraints through June 2009. Their department was very involved with the June flooding managing volunteers. The impact on forest land was minimal from the June flooding. They recently posted a 90-acre public land pine sale and received a wide range of bids for a two-year contract. Emerald Ash Borer information was distributed. It has been found in the southeast part of the state, but nothing reported in Sauk County yet.

E. Economic Development Committee report - Zowin reported this committee discussed their mission statement and will start working on the vision statement and goals.

F. Mirror Lake District report - Zowin reported that Governor Doyle was at Mirror Lake to view the dredging project. The Dell Creek Priority Watershed was mentioned because there will be less future sediment due to project successes. Van Berkel spoke about the dam repair at the Lake District meeting. They voted to increase their tax levy by $2,000 to help contribute to the dam repairs. She felt that this action sets the tone for other districts to help with dam repairs.

G. Lake Virginia Management District report - Wiese noted that there have not been any meetings and the annual meeting is in a couple weeks. No chairperson yet.

H. Lake Redstone Management District report - Borleske reported the district will be meeting September 15.

Review and approval of training events and meetings:

Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the list of training events. Motion carried, all in favor.

Review and approval of vouchers:

Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Borleske/Posewitz to approve 2008 and 2009 bills in the amount of $16,984. Motion carried, all in favor.

Consider support for manure digester seminar in cooperation with Sustain Sauk - Gaalswyk:

Gaalswyk discussed the potential for a manure digester seminar to be held in Sauk County. There are only a few digesters in Wisconsin, and he would hope to get a shared digester in the county. Cosponsors could be Sustain Sauk, UW-Extension, and Land Conservation Department. Corporate sponsors would be recruited to pay for meals, coffee, donuts, etc. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to support this initiative. Motion carried, all in favor.

Consider request from L. Marten to extend deadline for final 2008 cropland rental payment:

Van Berkel noted that in the past LaVerne Marten has been granted an extension for his final cropland rental payment until after harvest, around December 1. It was due September 1. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to grant Marten an extension for his cropland rental payment until after the harvest. Motion carried, all in favor.

Request to NRCS for increased EQIP allocation to address flood related practice needs:

Van Berkel read a draft letter requesting an increased EQIP allocation for counties affected by the floods this year. Motion by Posewitz/Kriegl to authorize the letter be sent to NRCS with Wiese's signature. Motion carried, all in favor.

Review of invitation to county board supervisors regarding department enforcement activities:

Van Berkel distributed a copy of the letter the LCC directed him to draft at the August LCC meeting. The letter asked the individuals to appear at the October meeting and discuss their specific concerns regarding the department operations. Committee members emphasized that the idea was not to evaluate an individual but to demonstrate that the LCC is concerned with the complaints they hear and willing to discuss specifics. All the concerns stem from the Animal Waste Ordinance. The LCC members suggested some approaches to addressing the identified problems but most have been attempted. The LCC emphasized that something needs to be done but elected to not send the invite letter at this time and bring back the discussion at the October LCC meeting.

Consider terms of rental agreements at Health Care Center for cropland, pasture and buildings:

Property and Resources Committee approved a three-year lease contract but asked that the contract assign any lease responsibilities to subsequent owners. Van Berkel will have corporation counsel check wording to see if the existing contract covers the issue if the land is sold. Motion by Borleske/Puttkamer to bid out the cropland, pasture, and buildings at the HCC in October for three years and to modify the contract to allow manure applications through a nutrient management plan. Motion carried, all in favor.

Gather committee comments regarding draft of Animal Waste Ordinance:

There were no comments from LCC regarding the draft Ordinance they received at the August meeting. Committee will review at October meeting and set a public hearing date to take place over the winter.

Review and approval of Operational Agreement between County and USDA-NRCS - Brereton:

Van Berkel noted that the existing agreement is old and needs to be updated to spell out roles and responsibilities. The agreement will be effective for five years. Because the agreement requires the signature of the County Board chair, there will need to be a resolution for County Board approval. Motion by Borleske/Kriegl to approve the resolution to present to County Board. Motion carried, all in favor.

Review and approval of Farmland Preservation Agreement - Winnifred L. Weitzel:

Van Berkel noted that the owner was in the program before and the department had no concerns regarding the conservation plan. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve a ten-year contract with Winnifred L. Weitzel. Motion carried, all in favor

Motion to adjourn until October 9 at 9:00 a.m. by Borleske/Zowin at 11:45 a.m. Motion carried, all in favor.

Linda Borleske, Secretary