DATE: October 9, 2008
UW-Extension ETN West Square Building
Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:00 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Borleske, Puttkamer, Wiese and Zowin from the Committee; Van Berkel-LCD; Peterson-WDS. Kreigl and Posewitz were absent.
Motion by Zowin/Borleske to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.
Motion by Borleske/Puttkamer to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on September 11. Motion carried, all in favor.
A. Thursday Note(s) was sent to supervisors at their email addresses.
B. Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association meeting announcement. LCC will check their schedules and confirm attendance at the November meeting.
C. Southern Area Association of Land Conservation Committees meeting announcement. Motion by Borleske/Zowin to authorize Wiese to attend the meeting on October 23. Motion carried, all in favor.
A. Land Conservation Department report - Van Berkel highlighted practices, goals and outcome measures on the monthly department report.
Van Berkel reported on Finance Committee budget recommendations - funds for vehicle replacement were reduced, additional funds were allocated to complete the engineering study for both the Mirror Lake and Redstone dams.
B. Natural Resources Conservation Service report - None.
C. Farm Service Agency report - None.
D. Foresters' report - None.
E. Economic Development Committee report - Zowin attended economic gardening seminar that featured an example from Littleton, Colorado.
F. Mirror Lake District report - Zowin reported the dredging was 95 percent complete. The remaining work will be performed around the beach area.
G. Lake Virginia Management District report - Wiese was not able to attend the annual meeting as he was on vacation.
H. Lake Redstone Management District report - Borleske reported their next meeting is scheduled for October 14.
Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the list of training events. Motion carried, all in favor.
Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Borleske/Puttkamer to approve bills in the amount of $29,971.20. Motion carried, all in favor.
Peterson presented the 2009 budget in the amount of $14,597.41, up $1,036. The number of farms participating was up 35 percent. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the 2009 budget in the amount of $14,597.41. Motion carried, all in favor.
Motion by Borleske/Puttkamer to approve the 2009-2014 Wildlife Damage Services Agreement. Motion carried, all in favor.
Committee suggested the information packet regarding manure storage be sent to the contractor as well as the owner. Van Berkel said staff are also planning to prepare an inspection checklist for contractors to use.
Committee agreed to advertise the leases for three years and try to get bids in time for the December LCC review and approval.
Motion by Borleske/Zowin to approve hiring Richard Albrecht to assist the LCD with contour strip cropping at the rate of $24.59 for up to 240 hours in 2008. Motion carried, all in favor.
Committee proposed that another copy of the Ordinance be provided to them at the November meeting and they discuss details at their December meeting with a tentative public hearing planned for January.
Van Berkel reported on the status of several 2009 grant applications. At present revenues are anticipated to be about $18,000 above what was budgeted.
Motion to adjourn until November 13 at 9:00 a.m. by Zowin/Putkamer at 11:30 a.m. Motion carried, all in favor. The December meeting date was also set for December 18 at 9:30 a.m.
Linda Borleske, Secretary