Law Enforcement Commiittee

DATE: June 10, 2008

The regular meeting of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Committee was held on Tuesday, June 10, 2008, at 9:30 A.M., in room D102A-Community Room, 1300 Lange Court, Baraboo, Wisconsin.

The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties were notified.

Members Present: Stevens, Sinklair, Sprecher, Montgomery, Tollaksen

Members Absent:

Members Excused:

Others Present: B. Hinze, M. Hafemann, Justin Huelsemann, M. Stoddard

J. Fry, R. Meister, K. Fults, B. Manning

1. Call To Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law : The meeting was called to order and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was certified by Chair Donald Stevens at 9:30 A.M.

2. Agenda : Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair, to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

3 . Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting : Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Sprecher, to adopt the minutes of the May 13, 2008, meeting. Motion carried.

4. Communications : There were three communications which were mailed to the committee members with the agenda. There were no questions regarding the communications by the committee members. The committee agreed it worked out well to have them mailed prior to the meeting.

5. Public Comment : There was no public comment.

6. Appearances : There were no appearances.

7. Sauk County Animal Shelter Operations Update

Sauk County Animal Control Officer Justin Huelsemann appeared for the Shelter Director Wendy Schneider who was in Chicago at training. The Dog Walk fundraiser next May will probably be held at the Sauk County Fair Grounds. Lower Ochsner Park is crowded with the number of walkers and it's often muddy.

Huelsemann said they've been working on a plan to provide rescue if needed for domestic animals due to flood conditions.

Among the bites cases in May was a horse bite case. The horse was current on rabies immunization so the horse could be quarantined at its home.

8. Review and Approval of May, 2008, Bills for Coroner and Sheriff's Department : The Coroner's bills for the month of May, 2008, totaled $3,569.28. There were three autopsies. When asked about her budget she stated that expenses are in line with no areas of concern.

Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Tollaksen, to approve payment of the May, 2008, bills for the Coroner in the amount of $3,569.28. Motion carried.

The Sheriff's Department's bills were reviewed and discussed. Sinklair questioned a bill for the jail kitchen for a mop bucket, cleaner and detergent from Reinhart Foods for $600. It was explained that the mop bucket wasn't purchased for $600; that the invoice contained charges for cleaning chemicals in the kitchen. He further questioned an expense of $!,347.03 for repairs to one of the squad cars and wanted to know what was received for that amount of money. The description field in MUNIS for expenditures is 30 characters long so information is abbreviated. He will meet with the Financial Analyst to look at the records of maintenance for the squad cars. It was also pointed out that all vehicle maintenance bills are given to Gene Paris for review to make sure the costs are in line and to track possible patterns of driving behavior that may need to be addressed with individual officers should their repair records appear to merit discussion.

Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Tollaksen, to approve payment of the Sheriff's Department's expenses for May in the amount of $127,335.47. Motion carried.

9 . Consideration of Advisory Resolution Requesting the Wisconsin State Legislature to Continue the Wireless Emergency 9-1-1 Surcharge : This resolution has already been approved by Property & Resource Committee and will go to the Executive & Legislative Committee in July and to the Sauk County Board of Supervisors in July also. Chief Deputy Meister reported that he has spoken to Tim Stieve and Kerry Beghin and they estimated the surcharge results in about $46,400 per year to offset costs of implementation, maintenance and updates to the program.

Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Tollaksen, to approve the resolution. Motion carried with Sinklair casting a dissenting vote.

10 . Review of Bids for Replacement Van for Coroner's Office and resolution Authorizing Purchase of 2008 Replacement Van for Sauk County Coroner's Office : The current van, a 2001 Ford Windstar, will be traded to offset the cost of the replacement van. The following bids were received:

Kayser Chrysler Center 2008 Dodge Caravan $26,765

Sauk City, WI After discount 24,999

Trade allowance on Ford Windstar 1,500

TOTAL $23,499

Baraboo Motors 2008 Dodge Caravan $19,660

Baraboo, WI (This is after trade allowance on Ford Windstar) TOTAL $19,660

Fedderly Chrysler Dodge 2008 Dodge Caravan $27,910

Reedsburg, WI After discount 25,615

Trade allowance on Ford Windstar 2,000

Rebate 3,250

TOTAL $20,365

Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sprecher, to accept the low bid from Baraboo Motors provided all specifications are met and to take a resolution for the purchase to the Sauk County Board of Supervisors at the June 17, 2008, meeting. Motion carried.

11 . Review of Bids for Two Replacement Detective Cars and Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Two 2008 Replacement Vehicles for Unmarked Squad Cars : The trade vehicles are a 2003 Chevrolet Impala and a 2000 Dodge van. The specifications for the bids required a minimum 25 MPG rating for the cars. The 2008 budget contains an allocation of $18,000 for each vehicle, for a total of $36,000. The following bids were received:

Glacier Valley Ford 2008 Ford Taurus @ $15,200 each $30,400.00

Baraboo, WI (This is after trade allowance on 2 vehicles)

TOTAL $30,400.00

2008 Ford Escape 4X4 @ $15,700 each $31,400.00

(This is after trade allowance on 2 vehicles)

TOTAL $31,400.00

Baraboo Motors 2008 Jeep Liberty @ $22,058 each $44,116.00

Baraboo, WI Trade allowance on 2 vehicles 4,500.00

TOTAL $39,616.00

Koenecke Ford 2009 Ford Taurus @ $19,640 each $39,280.00

Reedsburg, WI Trade allowance on 2 vehicles 2,500.00

TOTAL $36,780.00

2009 Ford Escape @ $18,405 each $36,810.00

Trade allowance on 2 vehicles 2,500.00

TOTAL $34,310.00

Larson Chevrolet 2008 Chevrolet Impala $23,395.00

Baraboo, WI Discount 1,279.40

Rebate 2,000.00

Trade allowance on 2000 Dodge Caravan 2,000.00

TOTAL $18,115.60

2008 Chevrolet Equinox $23,355.00

Discount 1,023.30

Rebate 1,500.00

Trade allowance on 2003 Chevrolet Impala 3,500.00

TOTAL $17,331.70

Combined total of two vehicles bid $35,447.30

Discussion followed on the merits of the various vehicles. The consensus was that the bid specifications did not mention four-wheel-drive capability and that the committee should accept the low bid which did meet the specifications.

Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Montgomery, to accept the low bid from Glacier Valley Ford for two 2008 Ford Taurus vehicles for a cost of $30,400. Motion carried.

12 . Consideration and Approval of Form 1 : Coroner Hinze presented her Form 1 which hasn't changed substantially from last year. When asked if she would add anything she said she was well satisfied with her budget and now that she has two Deputy Coroners to assist in coverage her office is well staffed.

Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Tollaksen, to approve the Coroner's Form 1. Motion carried.

The committee was given a copy of the Sheriff's Department's Form 1 at the May meeting. There were no major changes from that original draft.

Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Tollaksen, to approve the Sheriff's Form 1. Motion carried.

13 . Sheriff's Report : Captain Hafemann handed out the jail program reports for April and May. In the past these reports were given infrequently but were increased to every month at the request of a former committee member. The present committee said they felt a quarterly reporting of the program was sufficient. The next report will be given in October, which will include July, August and September.

The year-to-date revenues for inmate housing were presented. The number of Dane County inmates has been down but the revenue for A Pod is in line. It will remain to be seen what housing revenues in B Pod will do in the next few months. Traditionally jail population spikes in the summer months.

There were 420 inmate days for electronic monitoring in May with expenditure of $2,304.50 for the equipment lease and revenue of $7,140, for a total of $4,835.50 revenues over expenses. There are inmates on a waiting list for the program so when an inmate is removed from the program for any reason there is another who can immediately be added. The numbers are being kept at the maximum number the deputy can handle.

There have been no fatal accidents in Sauk County in 2008.

One of the squad cars was damaged by going into a flooded section of road after cresting a hill. FEMA may help with some of the costs of replacement if the vehicle is a total loss. Another squad got wet and is being dried out and checked over.

There were 66 hours of supervisory overtime in May; 38.5 hours for holiday worked, 19.5 for team training or call-out, and 8 hours to prevent ordering in an employee.

Jared Mayer, a jailor, has left to take employment in Portage County.

Dispatcher Amanda Harris has been promoted to Patrol.

Danielle Schweda has been hired as a dispatcher.

Lindsey Parrish has been hired as a jailor.

"Public Enemies" film makers were billed for 496 hours of law enforcement activities.

The final report on the attempted suicide in the jail done by Shawano County's Jail Administrator has been received showing that all policies and procedures and safeguards were in place and were followed and the staff response was timely and correct, resulting in no harm to the inmate.

17 . Adjourn To Date Specified: The meeting in July is scheduled for Thursday, July 10th, at 8:30 AM. The meeting will include a tour of the Law Enforcement Center, the jail and the Huber Center, the regular business meeting and eating a jail meal.

The matter of discussing the regular meeting date and time will be put on the July agenda for reconsideration of possibly splitting the days on which the Judiciary portion and the Law Enforcement portion of committee's meeting is held.

Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Tollaksen, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.


Robert Sinklair, Secretary

( Minutes taken by B. Manning)