Law Enforcement Commiittee

DATE: November 11, 2008

The regular meeting of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Committee was held on Tuesday, November 11, 2008, at 9:30 A.M., in room D102A-Community Room, 1300 Lange Court, Baraboo, Wisconsin.

The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties were notified.

Members Present: Stevens, Tollaksen, Sinklair, Montgomery, Sprecher

Members Absent:

Members Excused:

Others Present: R. Stammen, B. Hinze, K. Fults, R. Meister,

Wendy Schneider, J. Fry

1. Call To Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law : The meeting was called to order and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was certified by Chair Donald Stevens at 09:34 AM.

2. Agenda : Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Tollaksen, to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) : Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Sprecher, to approve the minutes of the regular Law Enforcement Committee meeting held on October 14, 2008. Motion carried.

4. Communications :

Copy of e-mail sent by Corporation Counsel, Alene Kleczek reference Public Comment

Letter from Barb Zink of Wisconsin DOC reference State Inmates.

Letter from Gary Hamblin, Division of Law Enforcement Services Administrator.

Rob Sinklair provided copies of a letter from Bill Lueders reference Open Records fees.

5. Public Comment:

No Public Comment.

6. Appearances:

No Appearances.

7. Sauk County Animal Shelter Operations Update:

The animal counts for October were 54 dogs taken in and 66 dogs out. There were 129 cats taken in and 168 cats out. Additionally, one mouse was taken in and adopted out and 2 rabbits were taken in and adopted out. The Animal Control Officer took 48 calls, 6 of which were bites cases. Out of the 6 bite cases, 1 dog and 2 cats were quarantined at the shelter, 1 dog quarantined at the veterinarian and 1 cat and 2 dogs not found.

Wendy advised the committee that Channel 27 out of Madison has been giving the Sauk County Animal Shelter a lot of good publicity lately.

8. Review and Approval of October, 2008, Bills for Coroner and Sheriffs Department :

Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair, to approve payment of the October, 2008, bills for the Coroner in the amount of $1,118.53. Motion carried.

Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Montgomery, to approve payment of the SheriffÆs DepartmentÆs October , 2008, expenses in the amount of $149,499.37. Motion carried.

9. Consideration and approval of resolution Authorization to Purchase 2009 Ford Crown Victoria Replacement Squad Car Under Emergency Procedures.

Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sprecher, to approve the purchase of the 2009 Ford Crown Victoria. Motion carried.

10. Authorization for Law Enforcement & Judiciary committee member(s) to attend the Wisconsin Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs training conference in 2009.

Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sprecher, to approve attendance at the training conference on February 1-4, 2009. Motion carried.


11. Sheriffs Report :

a) Jail Report

Equipment lease expenses were $2,183.50 and revenues were $6,749.00, leaving a credit of $4,565.50 over expenditures.

In the month of October, Dane County was billed $10,549.30, the United States Marshals Office was billed $35,641.26, Wisconsin DOC was billed $148,153.34 and the Extended Supervision P&P were billed $1,896.24. The year-to-date revenues for housing out-of-county inmates is $1,570,048.68.

b) Communication Center

Number of calls for the Month of October was 5,074.

c) Field Services Report

There was one traffic fatality on November 1, 2008, car versus pedestrian, bringing the 2008 yearly total to eight.

There were 181 prisoner transports in October, bringing the year-to-date total to 1,232.

September Housing Cost for Juvenile Secure was $11,900 and the transportation costs were $5,720.99.

d) Administration Report

There were two resignations in the Security Division, Lindsey Parrish and Mary Tesch.

Derek Burch and Aaron Brooks have been offered positions in the Security Division and one member resigned from the Dive Team.

There were 1,524 hours of overtime in October;

There were 63.5 hours of supervisory overtime.

There were four Triple III reports for October.

The Sauk County Sheriffs Office billed the State of Wisconsin DOT $24,136.30 for the USH 12 mitigation program during construction.

12. Adjourn To Date Specified: The next regular meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, December 9, 2008, at 9:30 AM.

Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Montgomery, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.


Robert Sinklair, Secretary

( minutes taken by J. Fry )