Board of Canvassers

DATE: November 06, 2008

Room #144
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, Wisconsin, 53913.

Sauk County Board Of Canvassers meeting

Purpose: canvass votes in Sauk County, Wisconsin of the
General Election held November 04, 2008

Call to order: 9:00 a.m.

Compliance with Open Meeting Law.

Sauk County Board of Canvassers present: Suzanne B. Dohner, Sauk County Canvasser; Rebecca C. Evert, Sauk County Canvasser; and Patricia A. Van Oosten, Lead Deputy Sauk County Clerk; and

Others present: Ryan Mahoney, representing the Republican Party of Wisconsin.

Village of Ironton actual number of voters is 97 because number 77 was used two times.

Township of Woodland ballot bag opened and resealed for results tape.

Two (2) provisional ballots for the City of Baraboo Ward 5 were opened, results announced, votes added to tally, tape adjusted accordingly, and municipal clerk notified to document and adjust their tape accordingly:
President/Vice President Obama/Biden (DEM): 2
Congress D2 Tammy Baldwin (DEM): 2
State Senator D14 Luther Olsen (REP): 2
State Assembly D42 Fred Clark (DEM): 2
District Attorney Patricia A. Barrett (REP): 2

County Clerk Beverly J. Mielke (REP): 2
Treasurer Elizabeth Geoghegan (REP): 2
Register of Deeds Brent Bailey (REP): 2
Surveyor Patrick Dederich (DEM): 2

City of Baraboo Wards 3, 4, 5 and 6 number of ballots exceeded number of voters recorded on poll lists.

@ 11:25 a.m., motion (Dohner/Evert), to recess until 8:00 a.m., Monday, November 10, 2008, to allow City of Baraboo time to hand count Wards 3, 4, 5 & 6 to reconcile number difference of poll list vs. number of ballots. Motion carried unanimously.

Reconvened @ 8:00 a.m., Monday, November 10, 2008.

Final Results of Canvass:

Office of President/Vice President:

Obama/Biden (DEM) RECEIVED 18,615
McCain/Palin (REP) RECEIVED 11,561
McKinney/Clemente (GRE) RECEIVED 47
Barr/Root (LIB) RECEIVED 77
Moore/Alexander RECEIVED 3
LaRiva/Moses RECEIVED 1
Nader/Gonzalez RECEIVED 202
Baldwin/Castle RECEIVED 44
Wamboldt/Klimisch RECEIVED 6
Scattering RECEIVED 67

Office of Congress D2:

Tammy Baldwin (DEM) RECEIVED 9,899
Peter Theron (REP) RECEIVED 5,531
Scattering RECEIVED 16

Office of Congress D3:

Ron Kind (DEM) RECEIVED 8,551
Paul StarK (REP) RECEIVED 5,079
Kevin Barrett (LIB) RECEIVED 426
Scattering RECEIVED 7

Office of State Senator D14:

Luther S. Olsen (REP) RECEIVED 6,677
Scattering RECEIVED 87

Office of State Senator D16:

Mark Miller (DEM) RECEIVED 526
Scattering RECEIVED 3

Office of State Assembly D42:

Fred Clark (DEM) RECEIVED 6,550
J. A. Hines (REP) RECEIVED 3,979
Scattering RECEIVED 12

Office of State Assembly D47:

Trish O'Neil (DEM) RECEIVED 380
Keith Ripp (REP) RECEIVED 407
Dennis E. Hruby RECEIVED 47
Scattering RECEIVED 1

Office of State Assembly D50:

Tom Crofton (DEM) RECEIVED 3,766
Ed Brooks (REP) RECEIVED 6,032
Scattering RECEIVED 7

Office of State Assembly D51:

Steve Hilgenberg (DEM) RECEIVED 4,979
Nathan R. Russell (REP) RECEIVED 3,540
Scattering RECEIVED 6

Office of District Attorney:

Patricia A. Barrett (REP) RECEIVED 20,057
Scattering RECEIVED 301

Registered Write-in Candidates for November 04, 2008 Presidential and General Election

NAME OFFICE # OF VOTES Reporting Unit(s)

James Germalic President 0 55
Martin Wishnatsky Vice-President 0 55
Keith Russell Judd President 0 55
Lynne A. Starr President 0 55
James D. Criveau President 0 55
Frank Moore President 0 55
David Jon Sponheim President 0 55
Greg Addie Congress 1 not applicable to Sauk County
Rae S. Vogeler Congress 2 0 26
Joseph Moriarty Congress 4 not applicable to Sauk County
Dan Sebring Congress 4 not applicable to Sauk County

Office of Sauk County Clerk:

Beverly J. Mielke RECEIVED 20,472
Scattering RECEIVED 152

Office of Sauk County Treasurer:

Elizabeth Geoghegan (REP) RECEIVED 20,298
Scattering RECEIVED 152

Office of Sauk County Register of Deeds:

Brent Bailey (REP) RECEIVED 145
Scattering RECEIVED 145

Office of Sauk County Surveyor:

Patrick Dederich (DEM) RECEIVED 20,988
Scattering RECEIVED 188

Adjournment: Motion (Dohner/Evert), to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned @ 11:15 a.m.

Respectfully: Patricia A. Van Oosten, Lead Deputy Sauk County Clerk

Minutes approved by Sauk County Board of Canvassers:

  1. Patricia A. Van Oosten, Lead Deputy Sauk County Clerk
  2. Rebecca C. Evert, Sauk County Canvasser
  3. Suzanne B. Dohner, Sauk County Canvasser