Personnel Committee

DATE: Friday, April 11, 2008
Room 213
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI


Members Present: T. Meister, P. Tollaksen, S. Alexander, H. Netzinger

Absent: J. Stoeckmann

Others Present: M. Koehler, J. Briggs


The meeting was called to order by Chair T. Meister at 9:00 A.M. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.


Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by H. Netzinger to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.


Motion by S. Alexander, second by P. Tollaksen, to approve the March minutes as sent.
Motion carried.



HIGHWAY: A request has been received to authorize the Sauk County Highway Department to eliminate 1.0 FTE (full-time equivalent) Tire Repair Person and create 1.0 FTE Mechanic outside of the 2008 budget process. The Tire Repair position is currently vacant. The position fulfills the need of another mechanic for the department. The pay rate difference for the two positions is twenty-three (.23) cents per hour therefore the annual increase would be approximately $479.00 annually. Motion by H. Netzinger, second by P. Tollaksen to approve the approve the resolution eliminating 1.0 FTE Tire Repair Person position and creating 1.0 FTE Mechanic position.
Motion carried.

LAND CONSERVATION: M. Koehler has met with County Conservationist, J. Van Berkel regarding the pending retirement of County Resource Conservationist, R. Albrecht. After careful consideration, Van Berkel would like to make an internal promotion of M. Stanek, Conservation Technician. Discussion of the possibility of the vacated position of Conservation Technician possibly being eliminated took place. Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by S. Alexander to approve the internal promotion of M. Stanek with the understanding the vacated position of Conservation Technician will be eliminated upon promotion.
Motion carried.

HUMAN SERVICES: S. Ethun, Community Support Supervisor, has submitted his resignation. A request has been received from W. Orth, Human Services Director, to internally promote E. Scanlan, to the vacated position. Motion by S. Alexander, second by P. Tollaksen to approve the promotion of E. Scanlan to the position of Community Support Supervisor.
Motion carried.

DEPARTMENTAL UPDATES: M. Koehler provided the Committee with an update of the ongoing Virchow Krause organizational analysis. Koehler then informed the Committee the exchange for initial proposals with AFSCME local #3148 has been rescheduled from April 9, to April 16, 2008. Koehler also provided the Committee with an update regarding the recent WERC arbitration hearing. The County is awaiting the signed documentation of the stipulations. The activity report for the month of March encompassed recruitments, benefits, work injuries and meetings.

Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by H. Netzinger to accept and approve the departmental update as presented and the monthly expenditures in the amount of $4,564.14.
Motion carried.

Motion by H. Netzinger, second by S. Alexander to adjourn until 8:15 a.m. Friday, May 9, 2008.
Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 10:43 A.M.

Respectfully submitted: S. Alexander, Secretary