Personnel Committee

DATE: Friday, September 12, 2008
3:30 P.M.
Room 213, Second Floor
West Square Building
505 Broadway, Baraboo, WI


Members Present: T. Meister, P. Tollaksen, S. Alexander, C. Montgomery, H. Netzinger

Others Present: K. Schauf, M. Koehler, J. Briggs, C. Bodendein, M. Bremer, J. Lally, A. Neadeu-Owen, M. Steward, T. Vandre

ORDER OF BUSINESS: The meeting was called to order by T. Meister at 3:30 P.M. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.

AGENDA: Motion by C. Montgomery, second by P. Tollaksen, to adopt the amended agenda.
Motion carried.

MINUTES: Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by S. Alexander to approve the August 12, 2008, minutes of the regular business as sent.
Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: A letter had been provided to the Personnel Committee from M. Bremer of the Planning and Zoning Department. Committee members declined to agendize the topic for discussion.

PUBLIC HEALTH: Request for extension of Project Position tabled from the August 12, 2008 business meeting. J. Lally of the Environmental Health Program, appeared before the Committee to request the extension of the Environmental Health Technician Project Position. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by S. Alexander to extend the project position held by N. Oasen for one additional year.
Motion carried.

PLANNING AND ZONING: Discussion was held regarding Comprehensive Planning and the Baraboo Range Protection Program, their impact on the Department budget and staff allocations. A brief historical perspective was provided including monies received, to date expenditures and monies remaining. Currently there are 8.5 positions within the Planning and Zoning Department and the position of Planner/Land Protection Specialist is funded twenty-five percent through grant funds and seventy-five percent from Planning and Zoning levy dollars. A request was made to investigate options for the continuation of the Comprehensive Planning and the Baraboo Range Protection Programs to be presented at a future meeting, yet to be determined.

ADRC/HUMAN SERVICES: A request to approve the Mobility Manager, A. Neadeu-Owen, to attend a conference in Omaha, Nebraska from October 18 - 22, 2008 was presented. The conference would not result in any expense to the County and would provide additional training and information. Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by H. Netzinger to approve travel and attendance by the Mobility Manager at the conference.
Motion carried.

CHILD SUPPORT AGENCY: The Committee reviewed the need to fill the currently vacant position of Child Support Administrator. Motion by S. Alexander, second by P. Tollaksen to approve the refilling of the position.
Motion carried.

Prior to beginning a recruitment an analysis of the compensation for the position Child Support Administrator was conducted. Personnel Director, M. Koehler explained that based upon the requirements of the position and the current market, it would be advisable to move the position from pay grade 15 to pay grade 17. Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by C. Montgomery to authorize the adjustment in the pay grade of the Child Support Administrator position to pay grade 17.
Motion carried.

HEALTH CARE CENTER: A request has been made to extend the Dietary Project Position at the nursing home until final determinations have been reached in regard to outsourcing of the dietary functions. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by H. Netzinger to approve the extension of the Dietary Project Position.
Motion carried.

DEPARTMENTAL UPDATE: M. Koehler distributed the activity report for the month, highlighting the following items and dates:
Health Insurance update.
September 11, - A prohibitive practice hearing between Sauk County and WPPA/LEER
September 16, - Negotiations with AFSCME regarding HCC contract.
September 22, - Negotiations with WPPA/LEER regarding the clerical contract.
September 24 & 26 - Negotiations with AFSCME regarding the Highway contract.
Koehler also reminded the Committee there will need to be a joint meeting with the Finance Committee regarding the 2009 budget and any possible new position requests.

Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by S. Alexander to accept the Departmental Update as presented and to approve the bills in the amount of $ 4,803.50.
Motion carried.

Motion C. Montgomery, second by S. Alexander to adjourn until 8:15 a.m. Friday, October 10, 2008, and November 7, 2008 for the next two regularly scheduled meetings.
Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 4:19 P. M.

Respectfully submitted: S. Alexander, Secretary