Public Health

Committee Minutes

DATE: February 13, 2008

Members present: Rose White, Mary Pat Elsen, Catherine Horenberger, Stacy Clement, Amy Delong.

Absent: Tom Kriegl, Lowell Haugen-excused

Others present: Nick Oasen, Bonnie Konkel, Cindy Bodendein, Michael Steinhauer

The meeting was called to order and certification with the open compliance was given at 6:10p.m.

Motion to approve the agenda by Horenberger, second by Clement. Motion carried.

Motion to approve minutes of previous meeting by Elsen, second by Clement. Motion carried.


Celebrating the Spirit and Soul of Public Health Nursing
Numerous articles of the Health Department in the news
Smoke Free News
Article "Upstream Public Health: An Alternate Proactive View, by Raqual Bournhonesque and Craig Mosbaek

Business Items:
A. Discussion regarding possible motion for Full Agent Status - Level 3. History of previous discussion of agent status over the past 2-3 years presented by Rose White. Presentation by Oasen that state legislature to vote on increases in licensure fee's for restaurants. Steinhauer gave a presentation on a plan to proceed with full agent status. Hand out provided by Steinhauer Sauk County Health Department Environmental Health Division Seeks Level 3 Full Agent Status. Steinhauer presented comments of Lowell Haugen. Lengthy discussion of pros and cons. Rose White presented information about how many inspections are NOT being conducted on a yearly basis.... around 23%.

Motion by Horenberger to proceed as outlined in the attachment Sauk County Health Department Environmental Health Division Seeks Level 3 Full Agent Status with State Second Elsen. Discussion about strategy within the county government system for approvals (Personnel Committee, Finance Committee, Budget Process, etc.) Motion carried.

B. Motion to accept United Way contribution of $9,000.00 for Community Care Program by Elsen, second by Clement. Motion carried.

C. Motion by Elsen to approve a part time, limited term as appropriate, project Health Educator/Grant Writer position, second by Delong. Motion carried.

D. Discussion of Health Department appearances in the news. Letter writing campaign by the Board of Health regarding loss of workers at Badger.

E. Discussion of citing for inappropriate use of wood burning stoves.

Department Updates:

A. Moved by Horenberger, second by Clement to add monthly reports to the minutes of the meeting. Motion carried.

B. Moved by Horenberger, second by Delong to approve paying January 2008 vouchers totaling $52,736.96. Motion carried.

C. Discussion of grant for the Baraboo River Front Renovation for Environmental Health.

D. Written information provided by Mr. Haugen for the board.

E. E-mail from Kathy Schauf, administrative coordinator presented by White to update citizen members information.

Next meeting: March 12, 2008

Motion by Clement, second by Elsen to adjourn. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Pat Elsen

Board of Health Secretary