Public Health Committee
DATE: Wednesday, March 12, 2008
TIME: 6:00pm
Room 213
West Square Building
Baraboo WI
Members present: Rose White, Mary Pat Elsen, Catherine Horenberger, Stacy Clement, Amy Delong, Tom Kriegl, and Lowell Haugen being all the members of the Board of Health.
Absent: None
Others present: Cindy Bodendein, Michael Steinhauer, Patricia Rego, Barb O’Brien, Judy Spring, Marty Krueger
The meeting was called to order and certification with the open compliance was given at 6:10 p.m.
Motion to approve the agenda by Haugen, second by Horenberger.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve minutes of previous meeting by Clement, Second by Elsen.
Motion carried.
- 2008 Health Department Immunization Schedule. This document was followed by a lengthy discussion about recent media reports linking vaccinations with autism. In addition, lengthy discussion was conducted about the number of shots provided to a child at any one time. General consensus: parent discretion, 5 shots maximum as a baseline, acceptance of CDC protocols. Staff at this meeting participated in discussion in great depth, guided by Dr. DeLong perspective and her experiences at clinics throughout the county. Further discussion was held regarding new school vaccination rules, shortages of vaccination, estimated number of vaccines needed, and the reliability of the WIR system. It was agreed that there was no need for public education on the matter of vaccinations and a potential link to autism.
- Marty Krueger, County Board Supervisors Chair presented conclusions of recommended new Rules of the Supervisors. Highlights included use of Functional Groups and Mr. Krueger specified the placement of the Board of Health in the new Committee structure. After some discussion the Board did not voice any objection to the proposed Rules. Mr. Krueger highlighted the next steps for consideration and approval by the Board of Supervisors.
Business Items:
- Judy Spring led discussion about current status of full state smoking ban legislation. Strategy for upcoming period reviewed. Board members in unanimous agreement about the need for a full state smoking ban and without any exceptions or phase in aspects. The pursuit of local ordinances to achieve goals was discussed.
Ms. Spring also discussed the evolution of the Tobacco Free Coalition to now include initiatives related to addressing the problem of underage drinking in our community.
- Mr. Steinhauer opened a lengthy discussion about current Reproductive Health programs and services offered by the Health Department. He delineated that his comments before the Board were less about policy and more so related to protocol and community need. Historical practices were reviewed and current environment was summarized. Driven by recent CDC report on STDs among women, Board agreed upon a more holistic approach to our services generally, the approval of a standardized protocol for nurses to use in reproductive health counseling, appreciated the comments of Dr. DeLong in support of enhanced open access to information, and during discussion learned how our peer counties are approaching education and consultation in this area. The management and staff of the Department appreciated the support of the Board and indicated same.
- Mr. Steinhauer distributed a lengthy document regarding the proposed strategy to adopt in pursuit of the Department becoming a Level 3 entity by virtue of our acceptance of Full Agent Status with the state for the Food Safety and Recreational Licensing (FSRL) program. He highlighted for discussion several areas of the document and the board overall accepted the proposed strategy as reasonable and attainable. Mr. Steinhauer indicated that the document was a DRAFT and would be an evolving strategy guideline. There was lengthy discussion about this initiative from most participants. Mr. Haugen asked for more time to read and comment. Another draft will be brought forward at the next meeting, however the Board instructed Mr. Steinhauer to pursue the FSRL contract as proposed tonight. Mr. Krueger also suggested at the appropriate time that the department management may wish to make a presentation to the Intergovernmental meeting later in the year.
- Mr. Steinhauer proudly informed the Board about the approval for a part time project position of a Health Educator/Grant Writer for the department. He indicated that county administration and the Personnel Committee had approved the position. There was discussion about the myriad of opportunities now available to the department once the position is filled. A timeline for recruitment, interview and hiring was explored.
- Ms. Bodendein referenced the need to update several Home Care administrative policies so as to be in concert with the recently approved HS Ch. 133 standards of the state. Board members had received copies of the relevant policies prior to the meeting via mail. Some discussion about editorial content was conducted.
Moved by Kriegl, seconded by Elsen and unanimously carried it was determined that a review of the documents would again take place next month following editorial changes. No changes in content of the policies was recommended this evening.
- Mr. Steinhauer distributed for consideration and action a Resolution by the Executive and Legal Committee about the budget cuts at the Badger Ammo Plant. The Resolution was distributed for consideration and signature. Mr. Steinhauer highlighted the references to the public health consequences of the budget cuts. Mr. Haugen asked for more time to review and comment on the Resolution. Those Board members in agreement with the Resolution signed the original for filing with the County Clerk.
Moved by Kriegl, seconded by Horenberger to accept the Resolution.
Department Updates:
- A lengthy set of financial reports were distributed and reviewed. Moved by Horenberger, second by Clement to add the February 2008 monthly financial reports to the minutes of the meeting.
Motion carried.
- Moved by Delong, second by Kriegl to approve the payment of February 2008 vouchers.
Motion carried. Amount: $32, 513.82.
- Department Division reports: None
- Mr. Haugen presented some information about the current legislative environment related to public health issues. There was discussion about the Public Health Council recommendation to the State about enhancing the GPR investment in public health programs since the state is ranked 47th in its commitment.
Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting:
April 9, 2008
Motion by Clement, second by Haugen to adjourn. The time was approximately 8:45pm.
Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Mary Pat Elsen,
Sauk County Board of Health Secretary