Public Health Board

DATE: Wednesday, May 14, 2008
TIME: 6:00pm
Room 213
West Square Building
Baraboo WI

Members present: Mary Pat Elsen, Stacey Clement, Amy Delong, Tom Kriegl, Donna Stehling, and Judith Stoeckmann.

Absent: Lowell Haugen

Others present: Michael Steinhauer, Bonnie Konkel and Haley Mayfield

The meeting was called to order and certification with the open compliance was given at 6:10 p.m. Introductions were made.

The Vice Chair conducted an election for a Temporary Chair to conduct this meeting. The permanent election will be held at the June, 2008 BOH meeting. After a call for nominees and some discussion, upon a motion duly made by Stacey Clement and seconded by Mary Pat Elsen, Judith Stoeckmann was elected Temporary Chair for this meeting.

Motion to accept and adopt the proposed agenda made by Stacey Clement, seconded by Mary Pat Elsen. Motion carried.

Motion to approve minutes of the previous meeting (March, 2008) by Stacey Clement and seconded by Elsen.
Motion carried. Donna Stehling abstained from voting.


  1. Mr. Steinhauer distributed copies of the new Department brochure and a copy of the most recent issue of the newsletter published by NALHDAB. There was several positive comments on the brochure. It was also suggested that the county website be added on the next printing run of the brochure.

Business Items:

  1. Initial Orientation of new BOH members. Mr. Steinhauer indicated the efforts advanced to date on orienting 2 new BOH members to the department. Several meetings had been held prior to this one and the department management and staff are always available to answer questions posed by BOH members.

  2. Approve Permit Request for Border Riders Motorcycle Club. Mr. Steinhauer discussed the Club and its annual ride this month. This is the 31st year of the ride. The role of the health department was discussed and the compliance history of the Club was reviewed. There have been no problems associated with this assembly and the tattoo and food service offerings provided by the Club during the ride. Upon a motion duly made by Donna Stehling and a second by Mary Pat Elsen, the permit was approved. Mr. Steinhauer will correspond this approval with the County Clerks office by letter and file the document with these minutes.

  3. Review of Board of Supervisors Form 1 and Draft Department Form 1: Budget Goals and Objectives Planning for 2009. A lengthy review of both documents was conducted, led by Mr. Steinhauer. Numerous questions and comments were made on both documents. It was suggested that the Department Form 1 undergo a review at least every quarter during the year to assure we are on track as planned. The goals for the department were generally found to be appropriate during tonights’ meeting. Some suggestions were made about our Outcome Measures and that some of the data should be converted from a percentage basis to an actual number.

  4. Mr. Steinhauer distributed a lengthy and updated document regarding the proposed strategy to adopt in pursuit of the Department becoming a Level 3 entity by virtue of our acceptance of Full Agent Status with the state for the Food Safety and Recreational Licensing (FSRL) program. He highlighted for discussion several areas of the document and the board overall accepted the proposed strategy as reasonable and attainable. Mr. Steinhauer indicated that the document was a DRAFT and would be an evolving strategy guideline. There was lengthy discussion about this initiative from most participants. Ms. Elsen requested a more precise accounting of how the program will be self sustaining. Ms. Konkel indicated she had run several models or scenerios about revenue and expense projections and could share them at subsequent BOH meetings.

  5. Mr. Steinhauer proudly informed the Board about the approval for a part time project position of a Health Educator/Grant Writer for the department. He indicated that county administration and the Personnel Committee had approved the position. There was discussion about the myriad of opportunities now available to the department once the position is filled including that of the UW Medical School Office of Professional Development.

Department Updates:

  1. Two sets of financial reports were distributed and reviewed. These covered the periods March 2008 and April 2008. A number of questions were advanced and Ms. Konkel responded to the far majority of them. The BOH appeared satisfied with the content of the reports and the clarifications provided. Moved by Elsen second by DeLong to approve the March 2008 monthly financial reports.
    Motion carried.

    Moved by Clement, second by Stehling to approve March, 2008 invoices totaling $37, 094.56.
    Motion carried.

    Moved by Elsen, second by Stehling to approve the April financial reports.
    Motion carried.

    Moved by Stehling, second by Clement to approve the April 2008 invoices totaling $35, 610.56.
    Motion carried.

  2. Department Division reports: Mr. Steinhauer led a discussion about the following topics: Personnel Reclassification Recommendations; Hiring of Department Health Educator/Grant Writer; the success of Rural Safety Days just concluded today; public education efforts around measles and Lyme disease; and an update on the school immunization clinics conducted as a result of state law changes in immunization schedules for children.
  3. Mr. Haugen left materials for the BOH about the current legislative environment related to public health issues. There was also discussion about BOH members and department staff attending the NALHDAB meeting in July in Madison.

Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: June 11, 2008 5pm

Motion by Elsen, second by Clement to adjourn. The time was approximately 8:30pm.
Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted: Mary Pat Elsen, Sauk County Board of Health Secretary