Public Health Board

DATE: Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Room 213
West Square Building
Baraboo WI

Members present: Mary Pat Elsen, Stacey Clement, Tom Kriegl, Donna Stehling, and Judith Stoeckmann.

Absent: Lowell Haugen, Amy DeLong

Others present: Michael Steinhauer, Cindy Bodendein, Joe Lally, Bonnie Konkel, Marty Kreuger, Tim Damos (Baraboo News), Rose White (past BOH Chair)

The meeting was called to order and certification with the open compliance was given at 5:25 p.m. Introductions were made.

The BOH Secretary Ms. Elsen conducted an election for a BOH Chair to conduct this meeting. A motion for nominees was made by Kriegl and Seconded by Stehling. Nominees were identified and discussion held. Upon a motion made by Stehling and Seconded by Kriegl, Judith Stoeckmann was elected Chair of the Board of Health unanimously.

Upon a motion made by Stehling and seconded by Kriegl a motion for nominees for Vice Chair was passed. After some discussion and upon a motion made by Stehling and seconded by Kriegl, Stacey Clement was elected Vice Chair of the BOH unanimously.

Upon a motion made by Elsen and seconded by Stehling a motion for nominees for Secretary was passed. After some discussion and upon a motion made by Stehling and seconded by Kriegl, Mary Pat Elsen was reelected Secretary of the Board of Health unanimously.

Motion to approve minutes of the previous meeting (May, 2008) by Stehling and seconded by Kriegl. Motion carried.

Motion to approve tonight’s agenda made by Kriegl, seconded by Elsen.
Motion carried.


  1. Mr. Steinhauer distributed copies of many of the correspondences created to inform and educate the public on the public health consequences of the recent historic floods to hit the county. A lengthy discussion was conducted by all present at the meeting. The Board expressed its appreciation to the department staff and asked Mr. Steinhauer to convey this sentiment.

Business Items:

  1. Cindy Bodendein led a discussion about updated administrative policies for the home care division. These were being generated related to coming into compliance with the changes reflected in HFS 133, the licensure rules for Medicare/Medicaid certified home health agencies. This is the second time the matter has been discussed by the BOH. Changes from the first review had been incorporated into tonight’s versions. Policies were sent earlier for review by BOH members and copies made available this evening. After a short discussion, and upon a motion duly made by Stehling and seconded by Clement, the policies were adopted.
  2. For the second time, the BOH reviewed the Public Health Department’s Form 1: Budget and Goals/Objectives Planning for 2009. The Form under consideration this evening was dated June 11th and reflected the updates requested by the Board at an earlier meeting. Upon some discussion about the goals and some feedback, upon a motion duly made by Elsen and seconded by Kriegl, the department Form 1 dated June 11th was endorsed and approved by the Board unanimously.
  3. Mr. Steinhauer distributed a lengthy and updated document regarding the proposed strategy for adoption in pursuit of the Department becoming a Level 3 entity by virtue of our acceptance of Full Agent Status with the state for the Food Safety and Recreational Licensing (FSRL) program. He highlighted for discussion several areas of the document and the board accepted the proposed strategy as reasonable and attainable. The board made several recommendations:
    1. check document for spelling
    2. Propose for the Board of Supervisors consideration a set rate for licensing fees
      that could then be used as a basis for revenue/expense projections and submit
      breakdown by establishment type.
    3. More carefully delineate that the financial projections relate only to the added
      services of Full Agent status, as separate from the existing Limited Agent work
      we currently conduct.

      Mr Steinhauer committed to making these updates on the document. A lengthy discussion about the presentations to the Board of Supervisors was conducted.

      Upon a motion duly made by Elsen and seconded by Stehling, it was moved that the department administration/management begin the roll out of information and education in pursuit of Full Agent status for the FSRL program to the Board of Supervisors at their July meeting. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Lally and others thanked the Board for their confidence.

  4. Mr. Steinhauer carefully explained and reiterated the point several times that the BOH “ratification” of personnel matters that is reflected on the agenda tonight, ONLY relates to the ratification of the RECOMMENDATION for personnel actions (reclassifications) by the department. The BOH has no jurisdiction over the action decision to reclassify. Several board members indicated they knew this fact as a carry-over from the discussion at the last meeting. Discussion was conducted about the necessity for recommending the reclassifications. The BOH made several inquiries and upon a motion duly made by Stehling and seconded by Elsen, approved the reasoning and purpose behind the department’s recommendation for reclassification of 4 specific employees. Motion carried.

Department Updates:

  1. A set of financial reports were distributed and reviewed. These covered the periods May, 2008. A number of questions were advanced and Ms. Konkel and others responded to them. The BOH appeared satisfied with the content of the reports and the clarifications provided. Moved by Elsen second by Clement to approve the May, 2008 monthly financial reports. Motion carried.

    After discussion and questions, moved by Elsen and second by Stehling to approve May, 2008 invoices totaling $28, 892.69 Motion carried.

  2. Department Division reports: None today. Much of this covered in the discussion about the departments’ response to the flood and the contribution of the divisions and staff.
  3. Mr. Haugen left materials for the BOH about the current legislative environment related to public health issues. There was also discussion about BOH members and department staff attending the NALHDAB meeting in July in Madison. Information about the conference and registration forms were distributed for BOH participation as desired. The conference is intended for department AND Board of Health members from around the country. This is the national association representing departments and boards of health. It was discussed that only 1-2 Board members could attend, and then only for a single day’s registration. This was based on cost as best determined by department administration. Upon a motion duly made by Elsen and seconded by Clement, the Board accepted the report submitted by Haugen.

    Discussion about next meeting agenda items: Presentation on Family Care and ADRCs.

Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: July 9, 2008 5pm

Motion by Stehling, second by Elsen to adjourn. The time was approximately 7:10pm.
Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted: Mary Pat Elsen, Sauk County Board of Health Secretary