DATE: Wednesday, July 9, 2008 5:00pm Room 213, West Square Building, Baraboo WI
Members present: Stacey Clement, Tom Kriegl, Donna Stehling, and Judith Stoeckmann, Lowell Haugen, Amy DeLong.
Absent: Mary Pat Elsen
Others present: Michael Steinhauer, Bonnie Konkel, Trish Vandre
The meeting was called to order by the Board Chair and certification with the open compliance was given at 5:05 p.m.
The BOH Chair distributed the agenda. By a motion duly made by Stehling and seconded by Clement the agenda as published was approved.
Motion to approve minutes as corrected of the previous meeting (June, 2008) by Stehling and seconded by DeLong. One minor typo was identified. Motion carried.
1) The Board conducted an informal discussion about the follow up to the flooding issues in the county. The Board primarily expressed its concern about the long term mental health aspects of recovery. It was indicated that County Human Services was the lead. The Board asked Mr. Steinhauer to convey its concern about long term mental health needs to the Human Services Department.
Business Items:
A. Ms. Vandre and Mr. Steinhauer led a lively discussion about Family Care and the ADRCs. Two handouts were provided and many questions were posed and responded to. The Board has a more intimate awareness and knowledge of the intent and design of these programs and how they fit with other county/state initiatives.
B. Mr. Steinhauer made a presentation on the newly devised Local Health Department Accreditation Program. He spoke of the intent, program parameters and the Health Department's participation. Amy DeLong added her opinion about the targeted goals and they will be conveyed to the program managers. These included: the prevention of chronic diseases and specific to overweight kids ages 6-19; addressing alcohol related diseases and injury; and the provision of culturally sensitive services to public health service users. Mr. Steinhauer indicated that a retired RN with QI/PI expertise will voluntarily lead the department in this initiative. The Board expressed its pleasure and pride that the Health Department would be pioneering the project with 12 other LHDs in the state. The qualifications of the retired RN working the lead on this project were validated by the Board as appropriate and welcome.
C.Mr. Steinhauer presented the CDC/State/County program for the distribution of Anti-Virals to the community following a World Health Organization Level 5 designated public health emergency. He indicated the roll out of the program to be on July 17th with many medical provider partners in the county participating. The overall intent and program parameters of the distribution plan were highlighted this evening.
D. Mr. Steinhauer distributed a lengthyand updated document regarding the proposed strategy for adoption in pursuit of the Department becoming a Level 3 entity by virtue of our acceptance of Full Agent Status with the state for the Food Safety and Recreational Licensing (FSRL) program. He highlighted for discussion several areas of the document and the board accepted the proposed strategy as reasonable and attainable. The board made several recommendations regarding education of the Board of Supervisors.
Department Updates:
A. A set of financial reports were distributed and reviewed.These covered the period June, 2008. A number of questions were advanced and Mr. Steinhauer and Ms. Konkel responded to them. A lengthy discussion was conducted regarding the need for more staffing to assist with Home Care ARs.Moved by Stehling second by Haugen to approve the June, 2008 monthly financial reports. Motion carried.
B.After discussion and questions, moved by Clement and second byDeLong to approve June, 2008 invoices totaling $27,485.72. Motion carried.
C. Department Division Reports: Mr. Steinhauer made reference to a communicable disease surveillance and investigation process following a confirmed TB case in the Dells.
D. Mr. Haugen reflected on the materials left at last meeting for the BOH about the current legislative environment related to public health issues. There was also discussion about BOH members and department staff attending the NALHDAB meeting in July in Madison. Information about the conference and registration forms were distributed at the last BOH meeting for participation as desired. The conference is intended for department AND Board of Health members from around the country. This is the national association representing departments and boards of health. It was discussed that only 1-2 Board members could attend, and then only for a single day's registration. This was based on cost as best determined by department administration.
Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: August 13, 2008 5pm
Discussion about next meeting agenda items: Long term care mental health services following the floods; response from medical partners on the Anti-Viral Medication Distribution plan; response by Board of Supervisors to Full Agent Program at their July 2008 meeting next week.
Motion by Clement, second by DeLong to adjourn. The time was approximately 7:10pm. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Judith Stoeckmann, Sauk County Board of Health Chair
[Post meeting note: the presentation to the Board of Supervisors has been postponed to their August, 2008 meeting. An update will be provided for our next BOH meeting].