Public Health Board

DATE: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 5:00pm Room 213, West Square Building, Baraboo WI

Members present: Stacey Clement, Tom Kriegl, Donna Stehling, and Judith Stoeckmann, Lowell Haugen, Amy DeLong, Mary Pat Elsen.

Absent: None

Others present: Michael Steinhauer, Cindy Bodendein, Bonnie Konkel

The meeting was called to order by the Board Chair and certification with the open compliance was given at 5:05 p.m.

The BOH Chair distributed the agenda. By a motion duly made by Haugen and seconded by Clement the agenda as published was approved. Motion carried.

Motion to approve minutes of the previous meeting (July, 2008) by Stehling and seconded by Haugen. Motion carried.


1) No communications were identified for distribution this evening.

Business Items:

A. Mr. Steinhauer distributed a handout from the Sauk County Human Services staff about their efforts to address the long term mental health issues following our June, 2008 floods. Project Recovery was discussed at length and the Board expressed its appreciation for the information and effforts to address this lingering problem. Ms. Bodendein discussed the Long Term Recovery Committee work in which the public health department participates.

B. Mr. Steinhauer updated the Board on the CDC/State/County program for the distribution of Anti-Virals to the community following a declared public health emergency. He indicated the roll out program of July 17th drew about 2/3rds of the medical provider partners in the county. The overall intent and program parameters of the distribution plan were highlighted this evening and plans for future meetings this year, to include long term care facilities were highlighted. Pamdemic performance objectives for 2008/09 were discussed and the results of our state mid-year review were positive.

C. Mr. Steinhauer discussed the proposed strategy in pursuit of the Department becoming a Full Agent Status with the state for the Food Safety and Recreational Licensing (FSRL) program. He highlighted for discussion several areas of concern that has resulted in a postponement of the strategy for a few months. Cited were issues related to : the downturn of the economy, the depressed business environment of the Dells area, the state pursuit of licensing fee increases via their legislative proposal now before the Wisconsin legislature, the costs of the flood, new information to us from the state about revenue projections, and other considerations. The board accepted the proposed strategy as reasonable and agreed to restudy the proposal with updated information and financial scenerios. Mr. Steinhauer also reported about his meeting with the Wisc. Restaurant Association and their expectations for a well run FSRL program.

D. Update on Grants. Mr. Steinhauer spent consideration time on describing the activity around several grant opportunities and awards recently. These included: the Seal-A-Smile Oral Hygiene grant from the Children’s Health Alliance; a grant from the State Division of Public Health on Disaster Planning for Special Populations (having us work with Human Services, Emergency Management and other departments); the EPA grant to the City of Baraboo about the Baraboo River Redevelopment Project; and the obesity grant to study the Native American population in Sauk County from the Wisconsin Partnership Program. The nature, intent, awarded funds amounts, deliverables and other aspects of each grant were reviewed. Mr. Steinhauer also made mention of upcoming potential revenue streams with MOUs from both the County Human Services and ADRC Departments for nursing assessments and consultations.

The Children’s Health Alliance Oral Sealant Program grant was awarded to the Health Department recently and Mr. Steinhauer requested the appropriate Resolution prepared for this evening be signed by the Board. Some of the program mechanics were discussed. Following a motion duly made by Stehling and seconded by Clement, it was unanimously agreed to accept these funds and each Board member signed the Resolution.

Department Updates:

A. A set of financial reports were distributed and reviewed. These covered the period July, 2008. Ms. Bodendein led the discussion on the financial reports. A number of questions were advanced and Mr. Steinhauer and Ms. Bodendein responded to them. A discussion was conducted regarding an update of the Ars accounting for the home care division.

B. After discussion and questions, moved by Clement and second by Elsen to approve July, 2008 invoices totaling $33, 045.43. Motion carried.

The 2009 department budget process was then discussed and both Ms. Bondendein and Ms. Kokel indicated that reports reflecting our budget would be distributed to the Board in about 2 weeks, for further discussion at a Board of Health meeting.

C. Department Division Reports: None today.

D. Mr. Haugen reflected on the materials left at last meeting for the BOH about the current legislative environment related to public health issues. There was also discussion about BOH members and department staff attending the NALHDAB meeting in July in Madison. Information about the conference and registration forms were distributed at the last BOH meeting for participation as desired. The conference is intended for department AND Board of Health members from around the country. This is the national association representing departments and boards of health. It was discussed that only 1-2 Board members could attend, and then only for a single day’s registration. This was based on cost as best determined by department administration.

Mr. Kriegel led a discussion concerning the county budget, priorities and inequities and some information was distributed.

Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: September 10, 2008 5pm

Discussion about next meeting agenda items: Discussion on Fees for vaccines, Resolution to accept Baraboo River Project Redevelopment (if ready), and Resolution for accepting state funds for Disaster Planning for Special Populations (if ready).

Motion by Stehling, second by Haugen to adjourn. The time was approximately 7:20pm. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Pat Elsen
Sauk County Board of Health Secretary