Public Health Board

DATE: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5:00pm Room 213, West Square Building, Baraboo WI

Members present: Tom Kriegl, Donna Stehling, and Judith Stoeckmann, Lowell Haugen, Amy DeLong, Mary Pat Elsen.

Absent: Stacy Clement

Others present: Michael Steinhauer, Cindy Bodendein, Bonnie Konkel, Judy Spring, Marty Krueger

The meeting was called to order by Stoeckmann and certification with the open meeting law was noted.

Moved by Haugen and seconded by Stehling to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

Motion to approve minutes of the previous meeting (August, 2008) by Stehling and seconded by Elsen with minor spelling correction. Motion carried.


1) Mr. Steinhauer distributed copies of the most recent NALBOH Magazine. Several articles of potential interest to the Board were suggested. Mr. Steinhauer invited Board members to contact him with any questions or comments.

Business Items:

A. Mr. Steinhauer first presented information about the funding for the Health Department to participate in the Baraboo River Redevelopment Project underway now by the City as a result of a federal grant. The nature and scope of the Department’s participation was defined and discussion ensued.There was consensus that our participation in this project was appropriate and welcome. Some concerns regarding the fiscal note were expressed and the Board requested clarification. After some further discussion, the Board, upon a motion duly made by Stehling and seconded by Haugen, passed the Resolution to accept the MOU and participation with the City to assist with the river redevelopment, with the stipulation that the fiscal note be clarified and updated prior to presentation to the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Steinhauer thanked the board for their support and promised to have the fiscal note clarified and updated. There was some discussion about the process for conducting this clarification and update and Mr. Steinhauer was referred to the County Clerk for guidance.

Judy Spring then was asked for an update on the AmeriCorps Project related to addressing underage drinking in the County. Ms. Spring provided a handout and reviewed it, discussing the opportunity to have a paid person, “sponsored” by the Health Department to work with Spring and Associates to address underage drinking in a similar pattern as with tobacco control. There was discussion but no motion needed and the Board thanked Ms. Spring for her continued leadership in addressing these two problems via the Prevention Coalition.

B. Mr. Steinhauer referenced the last meeting notes on this topic and asked the Board to keep this matter as an ongoing agenda item so that we don’t lose track of our work in this area. He discussed the proposed strategy in pursuit of the Department becoming a Full Agent Status with the state for the Food Safety and Recreational Licensing (FSRL) program. He highlighted for discussion several areas of concern that has resulted in a postponement of the strategy for a few months. Cited were issues related to : the downturn of the economy, the depressed business environment of the Dells area, the state pursuit of licensing fee increases via their legislative proposal now before the Wisconsin legislature, the costs of the flood, new information to us from the state about revenue projections, and other considerations. The board accepted the proposed strategy as reasonable and agreed to restudy the proposal with updated information and financial scenarios. Mr. Steinhauer also reported about the results of the public testimony provided for licensure fee increases by the state. He indicated there was no resistance to the proposed rate increases and that this would help set the stage for our participation in the program.

C. Flu Vaccine Rates: Ms. Bodendein introduced the topic of yearly rate setting of our flu vaccines. She discussed the immunization clinics, costs of the vaccine, charges by other entities and other considerations. She also discussed other adult and children vaccine needs and the role of the Health Department in providing the vaccines. Upon a motion duly made by Elsen and a second by DeLong flu vaccine shots will be priced at a rate of $27 per shot; and flu mists will be priced at a rate of $29 per spray.

Department Updates:

A. A set of financial reports were distributed and reviewed. These covered the period August, 2008. Mr. Steinhauer and Ms. Bodendein led the discussion on the financial reports. A number of questions were advanced and Mr. Steinhauer and Ms. Bodendein responded to them. A discussion was conducted regarding an update of the ARs accounting for the home care division. Upon a motion duly made by DeLong and seconded by Elsen, the financial reports for the month were approved.

The 2009 department budget and the development process was then discussed and Ms. Konkel helped lead the discussion about how budgets are prepared and the elements of the per division budget documents. Highlights for each division were made and comments and discussion followed for many of the divisions. Mr. Steinhauer and Ms. Bodendein responded to the inquiries. In addition, the capital expenditures budgets were considered by the Board. Upon a motion duly made by Haugen and seconded by Stehling, the budget information presented this evening was accepted.

B. After discussion and questions, moved by Stehling and second by Haugen to approve August, 2008 invoices totaling $21,848.87. Motion carried.

C. Department Division Reports: None today.

D. Mr. Haugen reflected on the materials he distributed this evening. Some discussion was held regarding the Public Health Emergency Preparedness consortia issues that will become effective 1/1/10. The pros and cons of such configurations were discussed. Mr. Haugen was thanked again for his report and service to public health.

Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: October 8, 2008 5pm

Discussion about next meeting agenda items: Discussion on fees for other vaccines, and the Board seeks an update briefing on the flood.

Motion by Haugen, seconded by Stehling to adjourn. The time was approximately 6:40pm. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Pat Elsen
Sauk County Board of Health Secretary