DATE: Wednesday, October 8, 2008 5:00pm Room 213, West Square Building, Baraboo WI
Members present: T.Kriegl, D.Stehling, J. Stoeckmann, L.Haugen, S.Clement
Absent: A. DeLong
Others present: C. Bodendein, B.Konkel, M. Krueger, K Schauf, A.Kleczek
The meeting was called to order by Stoeckmann and certification with the open meeting law was noted.
Moved by Stehling and seconded by Haugen to adopt the amended agenda. Motion carried.
Motion to approve minutes of the September 10, 2008 by Stehling and seconded by Clement. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the minutes of the September 29, 2008 special meeting by Stehling and seconded by Clement. Motion carried.
Noted by Stoeckmann that all the board of health members were in receipt of a letter from Mr. Steinhauer.
Department Updates:
A. Motion by Clement seconded by Haugen to add the monthly reports to the minutes of the meeting. Motion carried.
B. Moved by Kriegel seconded by Haugen to approve the September 2008 invoices totaling $ 37,508.98. Motion carried.
C. WPHA/WALHDOB legislative updates presented by Haugen.
Business Items:
A. Nomination of Donna Stehling for board secretary by Kriegl, seconded by Clement. Motion by Clement, seconded by Krieglto close nominations and accept a unanimous ballot for Stehling as secretary. Motion carried.
B. Motion by Haugen, seconded by Kriegl to approve the resolution commending Mary Pat Elsen for her service to the Sauk County Health Board. Motion carried
C. Motion by Stehling, seconded by Clement to approve the resolution authorizing the health department to accept the donation of the Baraboo United Way. Motion carried.
D Motion by Stehling, seconded by Clement to go into closed session pursuant to Wisc. Stats 19.85 (1)(c) considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the [governmental] body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Discussion of internal promotion to fill Public Health Director position. Role call vote: Ayes 5 (Stehling, Kriegl, Haugen, Clement, Stoeckmann); Nayes:0. Motion carried
E. Motion by Haugen, seconded by Stehling to reconvene in open session. Motion carried.
F. Motion by Haugen seconded by Stehling to promote Cynthia Bodendein as the Public Health Director and Health Officer. Ayes: 3 (Clement, Haugen, Stehling). Nayes: 1(Kriegl)
Motion by Clement, seconded by Stehling to schedule the next health board meeting on Wednesday November 5, 2008
Discussion about next meeting agenda items: Update on flood.
Inclusion of Public comment.
Replacement for Committee member .
Motion by Haugen, seconded by Stehling to adjourn. The time was approximately 6:30pm. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Donna Stehling
Sauk County Board of Health Secretary