Property & Insurance Committee Minutes

DATE: January 8, 2007

Members Present: Virgil Hartje, Catherine Horenberger, Larry Volz, Charles Montgomery, Al Dippel

Others Present: Timothy Stieve, Carl Gruber, Marty Krueger, Pat Carignan, Cynthia Engelhardt,

1. Meeting called to order by Hartje at 7:30 a.m. Certification of Compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.

2. Adopt Agenda: Motion by Volz, second by Dippel to approve agenda . Carried .

3. Adopt draft minutes of December, 2006: Motion by Montgomery, second by Volz. Carried .

4. Public comment - none. Comment made by Krueger that Al Dippel is tasked with the Continuum of Care Committee and that there will probably be a special committee for this as the Health Care Center is built.

5. Communications - Request from the Sauk County Chapter of Wisconsin Right to Life to host a peaceful rally on the Courthouse steps and grounds on January 21, 2007 from 2:00 p.m. To 3:00 p.m. Motion by Dippel, second by Horenberger to approve request. Carried .

6. Business Items

A) Treasurer's Report - Carignan reported there is lots of interest in the Reedsburg property and that everything has been looked at by Corporation Counsel; January 19 is the bid deadline. Nothing new to report on the Greenfield property Larry Volz will again attend the next Town

Board Meeting to discuss with them again. Ann Burton continues the work on the Dellwood properties, however there has not been much activity. Carignan will talk to Corp Counsel about acquiring what options are available on purchasing the remaining properties.

7. Departmental Updates - Risk Management (Carl Gruber)

A) Monthly Report was given.
b) Review and approval of deductibles - Motion by Volz, second by Horenberger to approve deductibles totaling $4,393.57. Carried .

C) Gruber reported that the driving simulator training is going well and he is booking agencies to use it, also he is receiving numerous inquiries about the use of the simulator. Krueger suggested that information on who is using it be publicized in the county. Gruber brought up the topic of billing for the use of the simulator. Based on information he received from the vendor Carl suggested charging a $10/per person fee for a two hour class with a minimum of 8 students in a class and a maximum of 12, committee felt this was appropriate. Discussed charging for Carl's time, it was decided unless the group is from outside the county we do not need to charge for Carl's time as they are already doing so via the tax levy. Gruber also suggested as a public service to allow school districts in the county with Drivers Education Courses the opportunity to come view the simulator and have demonstrations on it. The committee agreed.

8. Departmental Updates - Buildings & Safety (Tim Stieve)

A) Monthly Report was given. Stieve gave an update on the Landfill site; the Microturbine system along with the general maintenance of the Landfill facilities is now being handled by Dick Mielke and Tim.

A spreadsheet was created by Dick Mielke that showed our gas usage and cost from 2000 to 2006, also information on what we have done to reduce our usage, including the boiler control changes made in 2006 to make the boiler systems more efficient. The information compares the average usage for five years (2000-2005) to the usage in 2006. This shows a 45% reduction in usage.

Stieve gave a communications tower and fiber update, Fiber loop is not complete.

Stieve touched on the topic of court security and a discussion followed on limiting entries.

Committee suggested that Tim pursue this and look at local alarms on the doors that will be locked.

Hartje suggested that considering we had money available that some type of shelter for the VARC buses be looked at. Stieve was directed to look into this.

B) Resolution to Contract with Technology Solutions Group Inc. To complete remaining phone and voice mail upgrades. Motion by Montgomery, second by Dippel to approve Resolution. Carried .

c) Report on the 3rd Avenue property - letters will be going out soon to the tenants. d) Review and approval of vouchers -- Motion by Montgomery, second by Volz to approve monthly vouchers totaling $46,534.39. Carried .

E) Tour of the new VARC Workshop addition.

9. Next Meeting: February 5, 2007 @ 7:30 a.m.

10. Motion by Dippel, second by Volz to adjourn meeting. Carried .

Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt