Property & Insurance Committee Minutes

DATE: February 4, 2008

Members Present: Virgil Hartje,, Larry Volz, Kathy Zowin, Charles Montgomery, Al Dippel

Others Present: Timothy Stieve, Carl Gruber, Marty Krueger, Pat Carignan, Cynthia Engelhardt,

Ann Burton, John Tye, Housing Developer, Herman Chude, Sauk Co. Housing Authority

1. Meeting called to order by Hartje at 7:30 a.m. Certification of Compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.

2. Adopt Agenda: Motion by Montgomery, second by Dippel to approve agenda. Carried.

3. Adopt draft minutes of January 2008 Motion by Volz, second by Dippel. Carried.

4. Public comment - none

5. Communications -Request from the Sauk County Art Association to use Courthouse square for the 44th annual summer Art Classic on Aug 9, 2008 from 6:00 a.m. To 9:00 p.m. Motion by Zowin, second by Dippel to approve request. Carried.

6. Business Items

A) Treasurer's Report - Ann Burton reported that Corporation Counsel feels that Sauk County is now in a position to take the Dellwood properties. Discussion took place about the various sizes and locations of the lots. Motion by Zowin, second by Volz to move forward and begin the condemnation and acquisition process, with the exception of a few lots where there may be a possible trade. Carried.

B) Mr. John Tye, a housing developer, spoke on behalf of the Sauk County Housing Authority. The Housing Authority would like to have an independent senior living center, and is asking to purchase the land to the North of where the new Health Care Center will be located.

Discussion took place on when this could be considered and on potential revenue. No decision was made and it was felt by the Committee and Marty Krueger that we are not ready at this time to sell this property.

C) Motion by Volz, second by Dippel to go into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. S.19.85(1)(c) considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Performance evaluation of EMBS Administrator.

At 9:30 a.m. The Committee went into closed session.

At 9:40 a.m. The Committee reconvened in open session.

7. Departmental Updates - Risk Management (Carl Gruber)

A) Monthly Report was given.
b) Review and approval of deductibles - Motion by Zowin, second by Volz to approve deductibles totaling $3,797.10. Carried.

8. Departmental Updates - Buildings & Safety (Tim Stieve)

A) Monthly Report was given.

B) Resolution to Contract withJohnson Controls to Complete Repairs to the Chiller units in the west square building. Motion by Dippel, second by Zowin to approve resolution. Carried.

C) Report on the Urban Forestry Grant - a Request for Proposal for Tree Management will be going out today and these will be reviewed at next month's meeting.

D) Review and approval of vouchers -- Motion by Montgomery, second by Zowin to approve monthly vouchers totaling $78,712.89. Carried.

9. Next Meeting: March 10, 2008 @ 8:00 a.m.

10. Motion by Zowin, second by Dippel to adjourn meeting. Carried.

Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt