DATE: March 10, 2008
Members Present: Virgil Hartje, Larry Volz, Kathy Zowin, Charles Montgomery,
Al Dippel
Others Present: Timothy Stieve, Carl Gruber, Pat Carignan, Cynthia Engelhardt,
Ann Burton, Sue Nagelkerk, Sylvia Kriegl, Shirley Vomdren
1. Meeting called to order by Hartje at 8:00 a.m. Certification of Compliance with Open
Meeting Law was met.
2. Adopt Agenda: Motion by Volz, second by Dippel to approve agenda. Carried.
3. Adopt draft minutes of February 2008 Motion by Montgomery, second by Zowm. Carried.
4. Public comment - none
5. Communications
a. Request from Downtown Baraboo to use Courthouse lawn on May 17th &
October 11, 2008 for Faire on the Square, October 31, 2008 for Boo Fest, and Nov. 15 thru Dec. 31, 2008 for the Christmas Season & Holly Jolly Parade. Motion by Zowin, second by Dippel to approve request. Carried.
b. Request from Sauk County Get Ready, Get Set Garden to use the County Board room on March 29, 2008 as one of their meeting rooms. Motion by Montgomery, second by Zowin to approve their request. Carried.
T. Stieve said he received another communication from the Baraboo Seniors which will be on next month's agenda.
6. Business Items
a. Treasurer's Report - Carignan reported that the tax deeded process has been started - 119 of them have been published; 107 parcels are to be searched. She gave an update on the Isenberg property and that it sounds like the bank will be taking it and she will be kept up to date on this. Burton gave an update on the Dellwood properties, they are working on several pieces of property and they are working with Corporation Counsel on this. One was just closed on. Carignan reported on foreclosures.
7. Departmental Updates - Risk Management (Carl Gruber)
a) Monthly Report was given.
b) Review and approval of deductibles - Motion by Zowin, second by Dippel to approve deductibles totaling $14,366.23. Carried.
8. Departmental Updates - Buildings & Safety (Tim Stieve)
a) Monthly Report was given.
b) Review and select Contractor for the Urban Forestry Grant work. Motion by Montgomery, second by Dippel to contract with Blue Stem Forestry Consulting, Inc. for the tree management program. Carried.
c) Review and approval of vouchers -- Motion by Montgomery, second by Volz to
approve monthly vouchers totaling $138,438.21. Carried.
9. Next Meeting: April 7, 2008 ~ 8:00 a.m.
10. Motion by Montgomery, second by Dippel to adjourn meeting. Carried.
Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt