Property & Insurance Committee Minutes

DATE: July 7, 2008

Members Present: Virgil Hartje, Larry Volz, Al Dippel, Charlie Montgomery

Members Absent: Shawn Posewitz

Others Present: Timothy Stieve, Carl Gruber, Cynthia Engelhardt, Pat Carignan, Elizabeth Geoghegan, Marty Krueger

  1. Meeting called to order by Hartje at 8:00 a.m. Certificate of Compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
  2. Adopt Agenda: Motion by Montgomery, second by Dippel to approve agenda. Carried.
  3. Adopt draft minutes of June, 2008: Motion by Dippel, second by Volz to approve minutes. Carried.
  4. Public Comment - no public comment
  5. Communications:
  1. Request from Freedom in Christ Church to use the Courthouse square grounds to hold a concert on Saturday, July 19, 2008 from 2-4:30 pm, and to set up one hour prior to, and access to outside electrical power for sound equipment. Motion by Montgomery, second by Dippel to approve request. Carried.
  2. Letter from County Mutual Insurance regarding downgrading of our A.M. Best rating. Tim Stieve explained the company's ratings had dropped, and no action was taken by the Committee.

    6. Business Items:

    1. Treasurer's Report - Carignan reported that there is still no answer on the Dellwood properties. There will probably be a resolution in October regarding tax deeded properties. A call from the Town of Spring Green was received regarding tax payments and the flood affected homes in the Township. Discussion took place on this. No action was taken by Committee.
    2. 7. Departmental Updates - Risk Management (Carl Gruber)
    1. Monthly Report was given.
    2. Review and Approval of Deductibles - Motion by Dippel, second by Montgomery to approve deductibles totalling $7,157.72. Carried.

      Departmental Updates - Buildings & Safety (Tim Stieve)

    1. Monthly Report was given, including report on the Landfill
    2. Consider approval of Advisory Resolution requesting the Wisconsin State Legislature to continue the Wireless Emergency 9-1-1 Surcharge. Motion by Montgomery, second by Volz to approve the Resolution. Carried
    3. Review and Approve Vouchers - Motion by Montgomery, second by Volz to approve vouchers totaling $43,852.07. Carried

      8. Next Meeting date: August 4, 2008

      9. Adjourn: Motion by Volz, second by Montgomery to adjourn. Carried.

      Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt