Property & Insurance Committee Minutes

DATE: November 10th, 2008


Approved at 12-04-08 meeting

Members Present: Virgil Hartje, Larry Volz, Al Dippel, Charlie Montgomery, Shawn Posewitz

Others Present: Timothy Stieve, Carl Gruber, Pat Carignan, Elizabeth Geoghegan, Ann

Burton, Marty Krueger, Kathy Schauf, Wendy Schneider, Jeff Tobin, Megan Harrison

  1. Meeting called to order by Hartje at 8:00 a.m. Certificate of Compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
  2. Adopt Agenda: Motion by Montgomery, second by Volz to approve agenda. Carried.
  3. Adopt draft minutes of September, 2008: Motion by Dippel, second by Volz to approve minutes. Carried.
  4. Public Comment - no public comment
  5. Communications:
  1. None.

    6. Business Items:

    1. Treasurer's Report - Carignan and Burton provided update on Dellwood.
    2. Wendy Schneider was present to report on placing a garage at the Animal Shelter, it was noted that she may be able to get one free from St. Joe's in Baraboo but the cost to move it may be prohibitive. Committee suggested maybe building one versus taking the free one and moving it. Virgil noted he would help the Humane Society in getting pricing on building a garage.
    3. Tim Stieve no update on Herman's Motor Clinic.
    4. Kathy Schauf reviewed with the committee the computer program that is in place for county owned property.
    5. Tim reviewed the DNR lease with the Committee. Motion by Volz, 2nd by Posewitz to approve. Carried.
    6. Marty & Kathy discussed the disposition of the HCC when we move. Marty noted he would like to move forward with advertising via RFP to see what if any interest there is in purchasing the facility. Motion by Montgomery, 2nd by Posewitz to move forward with this. Carried.
    7. John Dirkse and Jon Hochkammer were present to discuss some of the issue that we have had with the Worker compensation program, things seem to be getting straightened out. Jon Hochkammer also spoke about the FATS machine available for weapons training.
    8. Discussed applying for 25% by 2025 Office of Energy Independence Grant program. Plan is to complete a joint application with City of Baraboo, UW-Baraboo, City of Reedsburg, Baraboo School District and possibly a few more. Moved by Montgomery, 2nd by Posewitz to move forward with the application. Carried.

      7. Departmental Updates - Risk Management (Carl Gruber)

    1. Monthly Report was given. Motion by Montgomery, second by Hartje to approve monthly report. Carried.
    2. Reviewed deductibles. Motion by Volz, second by Montgomery to approve deductibles. Carried.
    3. Consideration and approval of resolution for Liability, Property & Workers Compensation coverage, carriers and premiums for 2009. Motion by Montgomery, second by Dippel to approve. Carried.

      Departmental Updates - Buildings & Safety (Tim Stieve)

    1. Monthly Report was given, including report on the Landfill
    2. Review and Approve Vouchers - Motion by Montgomery, second by Posewitz to approve report and vouchers totaling $108,842.12. Carried.

      8. Next Meeting date: Regular meeting was set for December 8th, 2008 at 8:00 a.m. in the EMBS Meeting room.


      9. Adjourn: Motion by Volz, second by Dippel to adjourn. Carried.

      Respectfully submitted by: Timothy Stieve