Badger Interim Oversight Management Commission

DATE: Thursday, January 10, 2008
6:00 P.M.
Badger Army Ammunition Plant - Building 200 Training Room


Meeting objective : To continue discussions regarding substantive issues of mutual concern.


  1. Call to order and certify compliance with open meetings law
  2. Review and adopt agenda
  3. Communications

Commissioner's Reports

Old Business

  1. Groundwater Flow Model appropriations request.
  2. Request for funding contributions for Between the Fences Exhibit. (including a discussion of the March Bus Tours, proposed Guidebook, and related funding and informational needs)
  3. Review of IOMC Goals and Objectives
  4. Review and Prioritization of Goals and Objectives identified September, 2007

New Business

  1. Review of OMC authorizing documents
  2. Draft OMC Mission Statement
  3. Discussion of proposal for an OMC trip to the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie
  4. Discuss scheduling of election of OMC officers and creation of committees, per OMC By Laws....
  5. Next steps.
  6. Meeting schedule.
  7. Public Comment.
  8. Adjourn.

COPIES TO: County Clerk Sauk County Web liaison Sauk County Administrative Coordinator

Sauk County Corporation Counsel Federal legislators Badger Oversight Management Commission

Badger Intergovernmental Group GSA Local libraries West Pruett-Jones

Fialkowski Mulvaney Other interested parties Media

DATE NOTICE POSTED: January 4,2008

PREPARED BY: Dave Tremble Sauk County Dept. of Planning and Zoning