Badger Interim Oversight Management Commission
DATE: Thursday, January 10, 2008
TIME: 6:00 P.M.
Badger Army Ammunition Plant - Building
200 Training Room
Meeting objective : To continue discussions regarding
substantive issues of mutual concern.
- Call to order and certify compliance with open meetings
- Review and adopt agenda
- Communications
Commissioner's Reports
Old Business
- Groundwater Flow Model appropriations request.
- Request for funding contributions for Between the Fences Exhibit. (including a discussion of the March Bus Tours, proposed Guidebook, and related funding and informational needs)
- Review of IOMC Goals and Objectives
- Review and Prioritization of Goals and Objectives identified September, 2007
New Business
- Review of OMC authorizing documents
- Draft OMC Mission Statement
- Discussion of proposal for an OMC trip to the Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie
- Discuss scheduling of election of OMC officers and creation of committees, per OMC By Laws....
- Next steps.
- Meeting schedule.
- Public Comment.
- Adjourn.
COPIES TO: County Clerk Sauk County Web liaison Sauk County Administrative Coordinator
Sauk County Corporation Counsel Federal legislators Badger Oversight Management Commission
Badger Intergovernmental Group GSA Local libraries West Pruett-Jones
Fialkowski Mulvaney Other interested parties Media
DATE NOTICE POSTED: January 4,2008
PREPARED BY: Dave Tremble Sauk County Dept. of Planning
and Zoning