Badger Interim Oversight Management Commission

DATE: September 18, 2008

Tremble called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm and certified compliance with open meetings law.

Attendees: Tremble, Steward, Wenzel, Kenney, Grant, Meuller, Robkin, Carr

Others present include: Representatives from Sen. Kohl's office and Rep. Baldwin's office, Dee Kruse from Sanitary District

Tremble reviewed the agenda

Laura Olah motion to adopt agenda, second by Robkin. Motion carried.

Tremble reviewed a communication from Joan Kenney, but she will explain during her report.

Public Comment:

Virginia Metcalf will be representing the Sauk Prairie Alliance.

Commissioners reports. Some were sent out earlier via email to the BIOMC.

Olah explained the need for soil data before burning. There may be a degree of risk with the burning to the people on site and down wind. Settling ponds are a concern for lead, NR720 quoted.

Kenney reviewed a map of the property at the location where Hwy 78 will be relocated. Soils will be extracted from various sites in the settling ponds. These soils will be stabilized and removed, others will just be removed. Perimeter road will need to be moved to a new location north of the proposed Hwy 78 realignment. Rick Waldenbach has asked that a new perimeter road be constructed. DOT will be constructing the perimeter road. The fence will have to be moved/removed as well.

Virginia questioned Carr about the cemeteries. He took one family out to a cemetery for geneologic purposes. Payment in lieu of taxes would be paid to the Town of Sumpter, approximately $12,000.

New Business:

Laurie Bucher - Dairy Forage Research Center: Facility Planning process presentation.

Five (5) possible sites selected for consideration (See map). BIOMC may offer feedback on which site would be okay or not okay. If site E is selected then Dairy Forage will have to swap land with the DNR. Laurie believes the project does fit within the shared values of the Reuse Plan. She is looking for: (1) Comments about site selection. Deadline for comments is October 17, 2008. ARS representatives will attend a workshop on October 21-23 in Madison. (2) Commission may select 1-2 commissioners to represent the BIOMC and attend the workshop on October 21-23. There may be potential to tour the five (5) proposed sites. Heffers and dry cows will be maintained at the existing facility and the main dairy will be moved to the new facility, if a new facility is determined. Need about 40 acres for the site, and will house nearly 450 cows.

Discussion centered around that the DFRC should consider an environmental assessment, as well as what to do with the current manure lagoon. Maybe a farm plan integrated with a property plan is recommended as part of the process. Is this a change in land use? May need to follow the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) process.

Continuing Business

1. Steve Bertjens, SW Badger RC&D - NRCS: Presentation on Conservation District Proposal.

RC&D is a public and private partnership. These are 501c3 non-profit organizations, but staff assistance from the NRCS. Purpose to protect natural resources and balance that with economic development. 18 council members - 9 county board members and 9 at-large members, but there is a vacancy at the general public at-large position to represent Sauk County. They meet four times per year and next meeting is in December. Find grant funding. Employed first forester for Baraboo bluffs, provided $10,000 for staff and project for Otter Creek to the Land Conservation Department. Look at ag alternatives and their bottom line. Looking at biomass as a source for energy and renewable resource. They have a tribal liason to the Ho Chunk Nation. Ho Chunk is not currently a member of the SW Badger RC&D, but they have worked on projects with the Ho Chunk. Project request forms, please visit the website: Similar projects: military ridge project prairie preservation, driftless area initiative with 4 states and 16 RC&D's. They have a staff position specifically dedicated to invasive species plus a prairie ecologist.

Discussion on possible partnership with the RC&D. Steve can provide assistance as needed, but best to come in as a project. What is the structure of the Conservation District? - Sauk County already part of SW Badger RC&D, so not a need to start new district. Commission can submit proposal for a project. There are a lot of opportunities for projects and partnerships with the SWBRC&D, especially with biomass research. This avenue may give the BIOMC access to possible funding and project assistance.

2. Discussion on rail corridor/recreational trail and related developments. Virginia reviewed a letter from the Secretary of the DOT Frank B.... Virginia also received a letter from Senator Kohl's office. Paper trail for rail and utility easement is in the GSA's hands. BIOMC should have a look at the agreement language. Talk centered around drafting a letter to GSA, federal legislators, the Governor's office, DOT and DNR to continue the open lines of communication regarding the rail corridor easement and possible transfer, also a recommendation for this transfer to follow the rules of NEPA. The state has to ask for the change to the language, not the GSA. Eugene Robkin, Virginia Metcalf and Bill Wenzel have volunteered to be a part of an ad hoc group to look into the rail easement issue and the communication with the various governmental bodies. They will set a meeting with Dave and Mark and get together and draft a letter.

Motion by Grant, second by Metcalf to forego the remainder of the agenda and conclude with public comment. Motion carried.

Discussion about a meeting in October to accommodate Ho Chunk legislators and finalize the nominations and election of officers. Next meeting will be October 9 @ 6:30 pm .

Public Comment: None.

Consensus to adjourn.