Baraboo Range Commission Meeting Minutes

DATE: August 27, 2008

The Baraboo Range Commission met in regular session, August 27, 2008 at the Sauk County West Square Building in Baraboo, Wisconsin.

Members present: Ashford, Hartmann, Kowalke, Persche, Steinhorst, Turnquist and Wenzel. Also present: Dave Tremble and Ben Vondra, Sauk County Planning and Zoning, and Audrey Parker.

Chairperson Ashford brought the meeting to order at 8:30 AM., and asked members to review the meeting agenda. Motion to adopt the agenda by Persche, second by Hartmann. Motion carried.

Ashford asked members to review the draft minutes from the May 2008 Commission meeting. Motion to approve by Hartmann, second by Persche. Motion Carried.


Tremble read a letter from Sheryl Albers, State Respresentative, to Mark Steward, Director of the Sauk County Deptartment of Planning and Zoning. The letter makes a formal request of public records for documents related to "the purchases of scenic development rights and/or scenic easements in Sauk County." Encompassing all of 2007 to August 12, 2008. Tremble reported that the docuemtns would be assembled an made available to Rep. Albers.

Public Comment


Staff Report

Tremble reported that the application for Stewardship grant funding for the Halweg Road group conservation easement purchases had been denied. He reported on one closing, Larry and Mary Halweg completed in July, and that another closing had been scheduled, then postponed indefinitely pending receipt of additional documentation. Tremble also reported on the status of the acquisition fund, which is projected to be $332,270.55, assuming all currently appraised property acquisitions are completed.

Unfinished Business

Members discussed the option of directing staff to obtain appraisals on remaining projects as part of assessment process, to maintain confidentiality of landowners in early stages. No action taken.

New Business

Tremble presented appraisal reports related to two Baraboo Range properties: The Irma Reimer Family Trust (two separate parcels) inthe Town of Honey Creek, and Richard Heinzen in the Town of Freedom. Members agreed to postpone discussion of these appraisals to allow comparison with other remaining projects.

Tremble presented Assesments for two properties in the Town of Freedom, Ken Scharra, and J. Gudel. Members agreed to postpone discussion of theses assessments to allow comparison with all remaining projects.

Tremble informed the Commission members that he had received a request for a meeting with representatives of the Paul Pagel family.

Members agreed to conduct a review of assessment values of all remaining projects before proceeding with additional approvals.

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday September 24, 2008.

Motion to adjourn by Hartmann, second by.Turnquist. Motion Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Dave Tremble

Sauk County Dept. of Planning and Zoning