County Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee
DATE: Wednesday, August 27, 2008
TIME: 6:30 P.M.
Basement - Room B24
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI
REASON FOR MEETING: REGULAR (meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee)
- Call to order and certify compliance with open meetings law.
- Adopt Agenda.
- Adopt minutes of previous meeting(s).
- Public Comment.
- Communications.
- Website update - Brian
- Discussion and possible action on Value Statements - All
- Discussion and possible action on the review of the plan inventory - Dave
- Group Photo & Break
- Discussion on initial results of the community leadership survey - Jenny
- Discussion on Education Components for the Ad Hoc Committee - Jenny
- What information do you need knowledge of or a refresher course on?
- Discussion on Check-In - Do you feel comfortable with where we are going? How is this working for you? - Mark
- Discussion on the agenda items for the September meeting - Mark
- Topics to be on the table include, but are not limited to: Community Leadership Survey; Sequence of Events; Thrive Trends Analysis; Educational Component; Do you feel comfortable with where we are going?; Website Review; & others.
- Public Comment
- Next meeting (September 24, 2008 @ 6:30 PM - Site to be determined)
- Adjournment
COPIES TO: County Clerk Schauf Krueger Ashford Cassity Gaalswyk Lehman Netzinger Endres Wenzel Fordham Stevens Kleczek Website
DATE NOTICE MAILED: August 22, 2008
PREPARED BY: Mark Steward, Planning & Zoning Department