DATE: September 24, 2008
Committee Members Present:Blakeslee, Borleske, Carlson, Dalhoff, Gerdman, Godfriaux-Leystra, Iausly, Jones, Knight, Lanter, Ladas, Murray , Olson, Robkin, Wenzel.
Others Present:Steward, Tremble, Simmert, and Joel Gaalswyk, Sauk County Board of Supervisors, Joe Prem, Town of Franklin Board Chair , and members of the public.
The meeting convened at 6:31 p.m. Mark Steward, Planning and Zoning Director, asked members to review the agenda.Members approved the revised agenda by consensus.
Steward asked members to review the minutes from the August meeting.Members approved the minutes by consensus.
Joel Gaalswyk introduced the visitors from the Town of Franklin Plan Commission .Mike Alexander asked how the Village of Plain meeting had been promoted to encourage public participation.Steward explained that the meeting was posted in the usual fashion, and notices we published in local newspapers.Mr. Alexander also asked were the Mission of the Steering Committee can be found.Simmert explained that the Mission " Positioning Sauk County for the Future" is at the top of the Comprehensive Plan web page, at agreed that the Mission needs to be more clearly identified.
Steward noted that he had received a phone call from someone in a community in Virginia , asking questions about Sauk County 's website and planning process.He had found the County Comprehensive Plan website.
Simmert told members that the website is up and available to view at described recent changes, and issues with the interactive discussion features.Simmert discussed plans for promoting the website and planning process.Posters and table-top signs have been printed.Simmert asked members to post them around their communities.Simmert announced that arrangements have been made with a national billboard company for free use of unused billboards around the county. Members discussed other promotional options.
Simmert then described a monthly meeting calendar, which identifies dates for Steering committee meetings, Guiding Coalition meetings, and other Comprehensive Plan-related events, such as the upcoming Issues Workshop.
Tremble then described a process flowchart that identifies critical milestone events in the planning process.
Steward announced that the surveys had received a 25 % response rate, and he asked members if they had comments. Murray suggested focusing on long-term issues.Robkin thought the responses sound similar to other surveys, particularly the survey done for the Badger Reuse Committee.Olsen commented on the similarities with the local Town comments, and found the effort helpful. Davis liked the responses to Question#4, which seemed more personalized to Sauk County .
Discussion of Priority Issues
Staff displayed a list of the Major Issue Categories that had been identified from the Survey responses.Members first attempted to correlate the Issue Categories with the list of Steering Committee Values as a means of organizing the responses.Then, after discussing options, members agreed to sort the Issue Categories into affinity groups.
After a short break, Joel Gaalswyk briefly addressed the Committee about the importance of supporting the County's ability to facilitate community planning efforts.Tremble introduced Joe Prem, Town of Franklin Board Chair .
Gene Dalhoff then ably facilitated the sorting process, which ultimately resulted in a set of five Issue Categories:Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Economy, Transportation, Housing and Quality of Life.Members then numbered off 1-5 and briefly met to arrange group meetings intended to discuss the issues and develop a "one-page" analysis of the critical issues in their category.
Steward reminded members that their individual group meetings must be posted, and scheduled in a public place to allow public access. Planning and zoning staff will post meeting agendas and notices for the Issue group meetings.
Steward described the Issues Analysis Worksheet, mentioning that the Committee should refrain form focusing attention on potential solutions or strategies, but rather stick to identifying and describing the critical issues.The "one-page" issue analysis papers are due (one for each critical issue) at the Planning and Zoning office by Tuesday October 14.
Staff agreed to email the Issues Analysis Worksheet, the Combined Leadership and General Public Survey Responses, the List of Major Issue Categories, and the list of Steering Committee Values.
Steward then discussed the November Issue Workshop, which is scheduled for Wednesday November 5, 2008 at 6:00 pm .The Workshop will be held at the UW-Baraboo campus.Steward thanked Carolyn Davis for arranging the use of the facility.Steward asked members to think about how to identify individuals with specific issue expertise to participate in the Workshop discussions.Steward will email that question to members, who can then respond individually.
Steward asked for suggestions on the location of the next Steering Committee meeting, scheduled for Wednesday October 22, 2008 .Knight volunteered the Town of Excelsior Town Hall in the Village of Rock Springs .Members agreed.The address and directions to the building will be provided with the meeting agenda.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Steward, Director
Sauk County Dept. of Planning and Zoning