Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee

DATE: January 8, 2008

Committee Members Present: Gaalswyk, Sprecher, Ashford, Wiese and Lehman

Others Present: Mark Steward, Mary White, Dave Tremble, Lowell Haugen, Jerome Thiesen, Larry Volz, Tim McCumber.

Chairman Wiese called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. and compliance with the open meetings law was noted.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecherto adopt the agenda as presented with the deletion of a departmental report by the County Surveyor.
Motion carried, 4-0.

Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Sprecher to approve the minutes from the December 11, 2007 meeting.
Motion carried 4-0.

Public Comment:



Gaalswyk asked to be excused from the February 26, 2008 Committee meeting.

Business Items:


Mr. Steve Pate, Mapping Supervisor, appeared. Discussion followed regarding encumbering funds for participation in the National Agricultural Imaging Program. This flight would add a colored, leaf on, layer to the existing maps. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to encumber $6,800.00 for this program. Lehman joined the Committee during this discussion. Motion carried, 5-0.

Pate gave the departmental update for the Mapping Department (see attached). Gaalswyk commended Pate for the thorough use of budget Form #1.

Pate reported one voucher for approval. Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Ashford to approve the purchase of software in the amount of $9,400.62.
Motion carried, 5-0.

Mr. Brent Bailey, Register of Deeds, appeared and gave a departmental report.

Register of Deeds' vouchers were reviewed. Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Lehman to approve the vouchers in the amount of $3,846.85.
Motion carried, 5-0.

Mr. Mark Steward, Planning and Zoning Director, then appeared. He reported on Agricultural Preservation sign-up sessions for different townships.

Budget Form #1 for the Planning and Zoning Department was reviewed. Output measures were discussed. 2007 final figures would be given at a later date. Quarries were briefly discussed.

Planning and zoning vouchers were reviewed. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve the vouchers in the amount of $2,687.42.
Motion carried, 5-0.

Mr. Jerome Thiesen, property owner, and Mr. Dave Tremble, Land Preservation Specialist, then joined the committee. This discussion was regarding the Patricia Hackett property in the Town of Sumpter. Tremble gave some background information. The property is protected by a conservation easement. Thiesen is acting as an agent for Ms. Hackett. Thiesen is interested in purchasing the Hackett property and moving an existing residence on the property to his adjoining property. Present conservation easement restrictions limit relocating existing structures. They can be replaced at the present site, but not relocated on the property. The Highway 12 project was discussed and how it impacts this situation. Tremble requested a legal opinion from Todd Liebman, Corporation Counsel, on this matter (see attached). Mr. Jerome Thiesen appeared. He offered more background information on the property. His purpose for wanting to buy the property was to provide a future residence on his property for a family member and to make the approach to his airstrip safer. Because of existing limitations, the conservation easement would need to be renegotiated. The airstrip on the Thiesen property was briefly discussed. Existing tile lines on the Hackett property were reviewed. Disposal of the existing buildings was discussed. Tremble offered to work with the Department of Transportation and Corporation Counsel to renegotiate a new easement.

A traffic situation on the corner of SkiHi Road and Highway 12 was discussed. Tremble would view the site and make a determination regarding a vision triangle.

Steward informed the Committee of a seminar that was being offered by FEMA regarding managing floodplain development. The program is scheduled for January 15-18 in LaCrosse. There is no charge to the County except staff lodging. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve the attendance of Steve Sorenson at this conference.
Motion carried, 5-0.

Mr. Tim McCumber, Town of Merrimac Zoning Administrator, then met with the Committee. He was looking for approval from the Committee for amendments to the Town of Merrimac Zoning Ordinance regulating planned area developments. The changes were briefly reviewed. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve the amendments to the zoning ordinance for the Town of Merrimac.
Motion carried, 5-0.

Steward had two communications that were not discussed earlier. He received a notice from the City of Baraboo regarding a workshop on effects of riverfront redevelopment on community health scheduled for January 17, 2008. He had also received a notice from the Treasurer's Office regarding the Dellwood Subdivision. This meeting will be held this afternoon and Steve Sorenson will be attending.

Discussion followed regarding the comprehensive planning process for the County Plan. The Planning and Zoning Department would draft the document, but a steering committee would make recommendations to the Executive and Legislative Committee. How an unzoned municipality, Town of Washington, fits into the plan was discussed. It was agreed that they would benefit by being an active participant in the group. Land use is only part of the entire county plan.

The next meeting is scheduled for February 12, 2008.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to adjourn.
Motion carried, 5-0.

Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary

notes by mary white.