DATE: March 11, 2008
Committee Members Present: Sprecher, Ashford, Wiese and Gaalswyk.
Committee Member Absent: Lehman
Others Present: Mark Steward, Mary White, Dave Tremble, Pat Dederich, Matt Bremer, Brent Bailey, Lowell Haugen and others.
Chairman Wiese called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. and compliance with the open meetings law was noted.
Motion by Halsey, seconded by Ashfordto adopt the agenda as presented with an explanation of the amended notice.
Motion carried, 4-0.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve the minutes from the February 26, 2008 Committee meeting.
Motion carried, 4-0.
Public comments: Sharon Terry invited the Committee to view the site of the proposed quarry.
Brent Bailey, Register of Deeds, appeared. He stated that he had been short staffed and the volume has picked up. State mandated electronic transfer forms were discussed.
The Committee reviewed the Register of Deeds vouchers. Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Ashford to approve vouchers in the amount of $3,614.79.
Motion carried, 4-0.
Pat Dederich, County Surveyor, appeared next. He distributed a resolution for health care for the County Surveyor's position. He stated he was supplying the Committee with a copy for informational purposes only. The Finance and Personnel Committees will take over any action required.
Mark Steward, Planning and Zoning Director, then appeared. The POWTS maintenance tracking program was discussed. Pumping information entered by pumpers was reviewed. There was already a problem with disposal sites. Discussion followed regarding a study done on steel septic tanks in the County. Steel tanks vs. concrete tanks was discussed. The Town of LaValle was selected first for this study. A map of Lake Redstone showing the location of steel tanks was distributed along with the yearly breakdown of number of tanks. The Committee viewed pictures of failing steel tanks. Steel tanks need to be inspected, not just pumped. It was suggested that County staff could do the inspection. Funding for this type of program was discussed.
The Planning and Zoning Department had no vouchers for review.
Steward gave a brief year-to-date budget report. He will supply a detailed budget report in April. Goals and mission statement will be reviewed at that time. Permit revenue is down. The Director will supply a quarterly report to the Finance Committee.
Discussion followed on the ordinance disapproving the rezoning of lands owned by Terry and Brennan for a proposed quarry. The public hearing for this petition was held on February 26, 2008. Steward reviewed the state statutes regarding rezoning and the county's role. The Town of Baraboo is considering hiring a firm to appraise the proposal. Discussion was why they felt the need to do this as long as they had originally disapproved the request. Mr. Marty Krueger, County Board Chair, then appeared. He was wondering how this appraisal fit into the process. Natalie Bussan, Town of Baraboo Attorney, appeared. She stated that they want to gather as much information as possible. The proposal is not in harmony with the town's plan. It was hoped the appraisal would give them solid facts. If the County Board disapproves the petition the study wouldn't be done. It was suggested that the Towns Association form an adhoc committee to study placement of quarries. It was felt that local decisions should be upheld. The length of time given the public to speak at the County Board session was discussed. The Committee signed the ordinance disapproving the petition.
The checklist for determining permanent farm buildings was reviewed. Discussion on permits for farm structures followed. This may prevent many petitions from going to the Board of Adjustment. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve the checklist for determining permanent farm buildings.
Motion carried, 4-0..
Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee nominations were discussed. They did not get as broad of coverage as they would have liked. The Committee members have not been selected.
The Committee then discussed applying a planning process to the siting of nonmetallic mining locations. Setting up a committee to review the sites was discussed. It was suggested to make this part of the county comprehensive plan.
Dave Tremble, Land Preservation Specialist, appeared with discussion and possible action on the Baraboo Range Protection Program for 6 properties. Landowners include: Ron and Sue Goette; Kevin Goette; Louis and Lowell Goette; Larry and Mary Halweg; Muriel Halweg and Michael and Gloria Leatherberry. They are all in the same general area. Discussion followed on existing buildings on the property. Appraisals for each purchase was reviewed. There will be approximately $306,000.00 left in the program. Matching funds from a statewide stewardship grant may be used. The Committee discussed approving these purchases all together. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve all 6 resolutions together.
Motion carried, 4-0.
Discussion followed on attendance of staff at the WCCA spring conference on April 3-4, 2008.
Brian Cunningham, Gina Templin and possibly Mark Steward would like to attend. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford for 3 staff people to attend the conference.
Motion carried, 4-0.
The Committee then discussed the K & J Estates subdivision. This is a Class 1 plat that doesn't require a development plan. Discussion followed on nonexclusive access easements. This item would be discussed further at a future meeting. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Wiese to postpone a decision until after other agencies have approved the subdivision.
Motion carried, 3-1, with Gaalswyk in opposition.
The Committee then went into closed session pursuant to Wisc, Stats. 19.95(1)(c) concerning a performance evaluation of the Planning and Zoning Director.
Motion by Gaalswyck, second by Sprecher to adjourn.
Motion carried, 4-0. 11:40 A.M.