DATE: April 22, 2008
Committee Members Present: Lehman, Sprecher, Ashford, Wiese and Gaalswyk.
Others Present: Mark Steward, Mary White, Lowell Haugen, Brian Simmert and others.
Chairman Wiese called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. and compliance with the open meetings law was noted.
Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecherto adopt the agenda with the change of next meeting date to May 13th. Motion carried, 5-0.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approved minutes from the two previous meetings, March 25, 2008, and April 8, 2008. Motion carried, 5-0.
Public Comment: Committee member Gaalswyk requested Committee approval for previous attendance at an American Land Trust conference in Jefferson. This item will be taken up at the next meeting.
Communications: Steward reported that the department was named in a foreclosure action. The property owner had several outstanding department citations. This was referred to legal counsel.
The Committee briefly discussed a rezone on property owned by Larry Mundth. Mr. Mundth was planning to sell the property.
Business items - None.
Steward distributed a chart comparing 2007 to 2008 department revenues. Land use and sanitary permits were behind other years. He stated that the department did not get a grant for comprehensive planning, but will apply again next year.
The Committee then reviewed the Planning and Zoning monthly vouchers. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve the monthly vouchers in the amount of $1,032.50. Motion carried, 5-0.
The Committee briefly reviewed the Form #1 budget drafts for Planning and Zoning, BOA and Baraboo Range. Discussion followed on having a member of the Planning, Zoning and Land Records Committee on the Board of Adjustment.
A conditional use permit for Kenneth Weiss was then discussed. Simmert gave the staff report and background information. He also reviewed the conditions of the conditional use permit. Ashford read the conditional use question regarding the definition of farm consolidation and the Committee answered affirmative. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve the conditional use permit. Motion carried, 5-0.
The Committee then reviewed the conditional use permit request for the Galen Accola property. Simmert gave the staff report and background information, as well as the findings of fact. The Committee reviewed the map. Conditional use permit standards were read and approved. Motion by Lehman, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve this PUD application. Motion carried, 5-0.
The Committee then reviewed a request for a waiver to reduce access requirements. The easement will only be 20 feet wide for access to back property. The County has allowed other narrow easements. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Lehman to approve the waiver to reduce the access road width from 40 to 20 feet. Motion carried, 5-0.
Chairman Wiese called the public hearing to order at 9:45 a.m.
The Chairman gave the order of the hearing and the committee introduced themselves.
The petition to be heard today was, a petition to establish a Planned Residential Unit Development according to Section 8.12 Sauk County Shoreland Protection Ordinance for the Lakeview Estates Condominium Plat, being a part of Section 8, T10N, R7E, Town of Merrimac, Sauk County, Wisconsin.
Simmert gave the staff report.
He stated this request was two fold. It would correct a past error and control future locations of boathouses. Double boathouses are preferred to preserve open areas. Existing and proposed boat houses were reviewed. This petition would limit the number to 10 boathouses. The Town's position was to not take action and refer back to their original position. Some of the existing boathouses had not been placed exactly where they were permitted.
Jeff Schluter, owner/applicant, appeared in favor. He gave a history of the request. He stated that lot slopes made it necessary to change the location of some of the boathouses. Chapter 22 and Chapter 8 both were relevant in this matter. Double boathouses were to be placed directly on the lot line. Water setbacks were reviewed..
Dan Scallon, representing SWS, LLC, appeared in favor. This petition was made to protect the shoreline and only 10 structures would be constructed.
Dean Arcoraci, appeared in favor. He felt the decision should not be postponed.
Ron Grosse, as interest may appear. He favored requesting an informational meeting to obtain further facts on the placement of these structures.
Richard Grant, Town Chairman, as interest may appear. He stated he met with owners and Mark Steward to get input regarding an error in permitting in 2002. Approval should have been given under both Chapter 22 and Chapter 8. Dimensions were not taken into consideration. He stated double structures were better than two singles. Boathouse standards needed to be reviewed.
Phyllis Morris, registered as interest may appear and did not wish to make a statement.
Laura Olah, appeared as interest may appear. She was requesting an informational meeting before the Committee made a final decision. Structures need to be standardized. She was concerned about the number of tress cut down, retaining walls and steps down to structure. Piers were reviewed. She also felt the bay should be "no wake." Final maps should show dimensions of the structures and also take the color and size of doors into consideration. She supported postponement.
Richard Grant appeared again to respond to the "no wake." This could be accomplished by the township in conjunction with DNR.
Kathy Anderson, owns a cottage on Weigand's Bay, supports an informational meeting.
Richard Anderson, appeared and supported an informational meeting.
Jeff Schluter, SWS Development, appeared again. The piers were discussed and approved with DNR. This was not an issue today. He addressed tree cutting. The Board of Adjustment limits the number of trees cut down. Large trees would be left.
Laura Olah, appeared and again questioned sizes.
Seeing no one else wished to speak the public portion of the hearing was closed at 10:50 a.m.
Steward appeared at the Committee's request and reviewed sizes of boathouses. He also stated that this request would be going to the County Board for approval.
Motion by Lehman, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve the petition to establish a Planned Residential Unit Development for Lakeview Estates Condominium Plat. Discussion followed. The ordinances should be looked at regarding future boathouses. Motion carried, 5-0.
Motion by Lehman, seconded by Ashford, to adjourn to May 13, 2007.
11:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Ashford, Secretary