Highway & Parks Committee

DATE: Wednesday, November 13, 2008
8:00 A.M.

Sauk County Highway Office
620 STH 136
West Baraboo, WI



  1. Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
  2. Adopt Agenda.
  3. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting.
  4. Public Comment.
  5. Communications.
  6. Department: Parks
    1. Review and Approval of Vouchers.
    2. Annual Review of Cooperative Entrance Fee Program with Town of LaValle and Town of Woodland.
    3. Discuss Cooperative Policing of County Parks with Town of LaValle
    4. Discuss Mirror Lake and Redstone Dam Repair Projects.
  7. Department: Highway
    1. Review and Approval of Vouchers.
    2. Review and Approval of Employee Requests for Vacation Carryovers.
    3. Consider Purchase of Replacement Mobile Radio Equipment Not To Exceed $18,000.00
    4. Consider Filling of Vacant Positions.
    5. Discuss Road Construction Projects for 2008 and 2009.
    6. Discuss Equipment Purchases for 2009.
    7. Discuss Transportation Aids.
    8. Discuss and Approve Attendance of WCHA Winter Conference.
  8. Next Meeting
  9. Adjournment.

COPIES TO: County Clerk Committee Members Web Liaison S. Koenig C. Brey, Town of LaValle, L. Woolever, Town of Woodland

DATE NOTICE MAILED: November 6, 2008

PREPARED BY: Office of the Sauk County Highway Commissioner