DATE: Thursday, June 4, 2008
TIME: 8:00 A.M.
Sauk County Highway Office
620 STH 136
West Baraboo, WI
1. Meeting called to Order by Chairman Hartje. Present: Hartje, Meister, Volz, Stevens and Sprecher.
Absent: None.
Also present: Muchow; Carignan; Koenig; Dick Goddard - PLRTC; Bill Wenzel - Sauk Co. Board Supervisor; Tim Damos - Baraboo News Republic; George Kinney - Simpson's Tractor; Mark Hermanson - Monroe Truck Equipment; David Zeimet - Carl Statz & Sons; Dan DeVault - Aring Equipment; John Neuman - Scenic Bluffs Equipment; Jeff Geier - Roland Machinery; Troy Bohn - Farmer Imp.; Scott Fleischman - Team Marshfield; Kurt Schadewalt - Madison Truck Equipment; Bill Lawton - Henry G. Meigs; Jim Senzig - Scott Const.; Pat Anderson - Gasser; Dick Pearson - Pearson Bros.
2. Adopt Agenda. Motion by Volz, seconded by Meister.
Motion carried.
3. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting. Motion by Volz, seconded by Stevens.
Motion carried.
4. Public Comment.
5. Communications.
- Sprecher discussed correspondence regarding rails to trails.
- Koenig discussed railroad crossings for snowmobiles.
- Hartje discussed possible purchase of a kayak(s) for White Mound Park.
- Muchow stated that the week of April 7-11 is National Workzone Awareness Week.
- Muchow stated that there will be a public hearing on May 1st, 2008 regarding the rail crossings at CTH Z and STH 78.
6. Department: Parks
a. Review and Approval of Vouchers. Discussion followed. Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to approve March 2008 bills in the amount of $ 15,749.16 .
Motion carried.
b. Review and Approve Parks Department Mission, Visions, and Goals for 2009. Discussion followed.
Motion by Volz, seconded by Stevens to approve Parks Department Mission, Visions, and Goals for 2009.
Motion carried.
c. Discuss County Inter-connective Trails. Discussion followed.
No Action.
d. Approve Participation in Reedsburg Area High School Earth Day Activities.
Motion by Volz, seconded by Stevens to approve participation in Reedsburg Area High School Earth Day Activities.
Motion carried.
e. Update on "Take Me Fishing" Program.
No Action.
f. Update on Chapter 10 Rewrite.
No Action.
g. Update on Delton Dam.
No Action.
7. Department: Transportation
a. Review and Approval of Vouchers. Discussion followed. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Volz to approve March 2008 bills in the amount of $ 509,847.57 .
Motion carried.
b. Review and Approval of Employee Requests for Vacation Carryovers.
Richard Demars - 64 hours Bradley Klingaman - 20 hours
Jeffrey Thompson - 48 hours
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister to approve vacation carryovers.
Motion carried.
c. Airport Report. Discussion followed.
No Action.
d. Railroad Report. Discussion followed.
No Action.
e. Review and Approve Renaming Proposed CTH that Connects USH 12 and CTH BD.
Motion by Volz, seconded by Sprecher to approve renaming proposed CTH that connects USH 12 and CTH BD to "Pit Road".
Motion carried.
f. Discuss Winter Maintenance Costs and Road Postings. Discussion followed.
No Action.
g. Review and Approve WisDOT Discretionary Project.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Volz to approve WisDOT Discretionary Project.
Motion carried.
h. Open Bids for Tractor/Roadside Mower at 9:30 a.m.
9 Bids were received for one (1) Tractor/Roadside Mower.
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister to award Simpson Ford Tractor the bid for
one (1) Tracter/Roadside Mower in the amount of $ 62,649.00 .
Motion carried.
i. Open Bids for Three (3) Five Yard Dump Body/Central Hydraulic Systems at 10:00 a.m.
8 Bids were received for three (3) Five Yard Dump Body/Central Hydraulic Systems.
Motion by Volz, seconded by Meister to award Madison Truck Equipment the bid for three (3) Five Yard Dump Body/Central Hydraulic Systems in the amount of $ 67,140.00 .
Motion carried.
j. Open Bids for Three (3) Under-Tailgate Type Spreaders at 10:00 a.m.
4 Bids were received for three (3) Under-Tailgate Type Spreaders.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher to award Falls Equipment the bid for three (3) Under-Tailgate Type Spreaders in the amount of $ 11,460.00 .
Motion carried.
k. Open Bids for Three (3) Snow Plows and Three (3) Snow Plow Wings at 10:30 a.m.
4 Bids were received for three (3) Snow Plows.
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister to award Universal Truck Equipment the bid for the three (3) Snow Plows in the amount of $ 17,865.00 .
Motion carried.
4 Bids were received for three (3) Snow Plow Wings.
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister to award Wausau Equipment Company the bid for the three (3) Snow Plow Wings in the amount of $ 12,402.00 .
Motion carried.
l. Review and Approve Quotes on Construction Materials and Liquid Asphalt at 10:45 a.m.
Quotes were received for Road Construction Materials and Liquid Asphalt.
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Volz to purchase materials which would be most advantageous to Sauk County.
Motion carried.
m. Discuss 2008 Road Construction Projects. Discussion followed.
No Action.
n. Discuss 2008 Equipment Purchases. Discussion followed.
No Action.
o. Discuss Construction of Salt Shed Located at Delton Facility. Discussion followed.
No Action.
p. Discuss Truck Scale Test Report. Discussion followed.
No Action.
q. Review and Approve Proposed 4-10 Hour Workday Schedule for Construction Season.
Motion by Volz, seconded by Meister to approve proposed 4 -10 Hour workday schedule for construction season.
Motion carried.
r. Discuss Fabco Buy Back for Caterpillar Equipment. Discussion followed.
No Action.
s. Review and Approve Resolution Eliminating One (1) FTE Tire Repair Person Position and Creating One (1) FTE Mechanic Position. Discussion followed.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Hartje to approve Resolution eliminating one (1) FTE Tire Repair Person Position and creating one (1) FTE Mechanic Position.
Motion carried.
8. Next Meeting. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Sprecher to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Wednesday, May 7, 2008 at 8:00 a.m. at the Highway Department office.
Motion carried.
9. Adjournment.
Respectfully submitted: Halsey Sprecher, Secretary
Cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee Web Liaison