DATE: December 10, 2008
1. Meeting called to Order by Chairman Hartje. Present: Hartje, Meister, Volz, Gaalswyk and Sprecher.
Absent: None.
Also present: Muchow; Carignan; Koenig; Megan Mueske - Minnesota Wisconsin Playground; Russ Hunt, Marty Hunt - Capital City International; Rick Stone - Badger Truck Center.
2. Adopt Agenda. Motion by Volz, seconded by Hartje.
Motion carried.
3. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Meister.
Motion carried.
4. Public Comment.
5. Communications.
6. Department: Parks
a. Review and Approval of Vouchers. Discussion followed.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve November 2008 bills in the amount of $ 20,567.49.
Motion carried.
b. Open Bids for Playground Equipment for White Mound Park.
5 bids were received for the playground equipment for White Mound Park.
Motion by Volz, seconded by Sprecher to award Miller & Associates the bid for the playground equipment for White Mound Park in the amount of $ 13,682.00.
Motion carried.
c. Discuss and Approve Request for Proposal for Engineering Services for Redstone and Mirror Lake Dams. Discussion followed.
Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Volz to approve request for proposal for engineering services for Redstone and Mirror Lake Dams pending Corporation Counsel approval.
Motion carried.
d. Update of FEMA Settlement for Flood Event Damages.
No Action.
e. Update of Snowmobile Program.
No Action.
f. Update on Yearend Budget Items.
No Action.
g. Approve Resolution to Adopt Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (CORP).
Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher to approve Resolution to Adopt Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (CORP).
Motion carried.
7. Department: Highway
a. Review and Approval of Vouchers. Discussion followed.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve November bills in the amount of $652,392.65.
Motion carried.
b. Review and Approval of Employee Requests for Vacation Carryovers.
Gary Merrell - 126 hours Gerald Von Behren - 116.50 hours
Motion by Meister, seconded by Sprecher to approve employee requests for vacation carryover.
Motion carried.
c. Review and Approve Purchase of Used Semi Trailer. Discussion followed.
Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Meister to approve purchase of used semi trailer in the amount not to exceed $ 3,500.00.
Motion carried.
d. Consider Resolution Approving Reimbursement for Attendance at the WCHA Winter Highway Conference.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Meister to approve Resolution approving reimbursement for attendance at the WCHA Winter Highway Conference.
Motion carried.
e. Consider Resolution Accepting Ownership of a State Financed Salt Shed Located in the Town of Delton.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Gaalswyk to approve Resolution accepting ownership of a State financed salt shed located in the Town of Delton.
Motion carried.
f. Open Bids for Two (2) Single Axle Patrol Trucks at 9:30 a.m.
2 bids were received for two (2) single axle patrol trucks.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Volz to award Capital City International the bid for the two (2) single axle patrol trucks in the amount of $ 122,512.00.
Motion carried.
g. Open Bids for Two (2) Tandem Axle Dump Trucks at 9:30 a.m.
2 bids were received for two (2) tandem axle dump trucks.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Volz to award Capital City International the bid for the two (2) tandem axle dump trucks in the amount of $ 130,280.00.
Motion carried.
h. Discuss Future Needs of Highway Department Facilities. Discussion followed.
No Action.
i. Review and Approve 2009 WisDOT Routine Maintenance Agreement.
Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Volz to approve 2009 WisDOT Routine Maintenance Agreement.
Motion carried.
8. Next Meeting. Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Meister to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. at the Highway Department office.
Motion carried.
9. Adjournment.
Respectfully submitted: Halsey Sprecher, Secretary
Cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee Web Liaison