Members Present: Wedekind, Mielke, Huffaker, Geimer, Kivioja, Liston, and Giese
Members Absent: Haugen
Others Present: Pleger, Davis, Janke and Griffith
Chairperson Wedekind called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was verified.
Chair Wedekind announced due to recent election changes at the City level, he felt it appropriate that the election of officers be postponed to the next, regular Commission meeting. Motion by Geimer, seconded by Liston to approve the agenda for today's meeting, with the foregoing change.
Motion carried.
Motion by Geimer, seconded by Liston to approve the minutes from the March 12, 2008 meeting, as mailed.
Motion carried.
None, other than bids received for projects to be considered today.
A revenue/expenditure report for the period 1/1/08 to 4/30/08 and balance sheet as of 12/31/07 indicating $59,262.14 in the Designated-Capital Equipment Fund was distributed by C. Giese, City Clerk. Upon inquiry, Giese reported she is in the process of obtaining the Commission's 2008 budget request funding from Sauk County.
R. Griffith presented the monthly report and list of bills. Motion by Liston, seconded by Huffaker to approve the report and bills in an amount of $5,762.03.
Motion carried.
Griffith also distributed a budget worksheet showing actual utility expenses and performance contract payments for the last three years. He noted installation and use of the new boiler system has produced a savings, as predicted, of approximately $28,000.00.
Chair Wedekind noted City representatives were on site to assess changes in the parking lot layout and plan to return when the snow cover has completely melted. Discussion followed regarding layout of the loop road and proceeding in the direction of the master plan of the Campus.
Commission members reviewed the five bids received for the gymnasium surfacing project. Motion by Liston, seconded by Geimer to accept the apparent low bid of Stalker Flooring, Inc, in the amount of $17,600.00 for the gymnasium surfacing portion of the project and Porter Equipment in the amount of $8,699.00 for relocation and adjustment of the basketball hoops (separate bid).
Motion carried. Plans are to complete this project prior to the beginning of fall classes this year.
Commission members reviewed the three bids received for elevator repairs. Motion by Liston, seconded by Kivioja to accept the apparent low bid of Schumacher Elevator in the amount of $10,958.00.
Motion carried. Plans are to complete this repair in early summer.
C. Davis, Assistant Dean, noted the initial agreement has been reviewed by the County Corporation Counsel and will soon be taken up by the City Attorney, as well. It is anticipated the agreement will be ready for consideration by the Campus Commission at next month's meeting.
Dean Pleger reported on the following:
C. Davis reported, highlighting:
Dean Pleger briefly discussed with Commission members the possibility of hiring a paid Foundation Director. This position could be useful in future fundraising events and handling alumni relations. Other campuses will be contacted to assess how the position is handled at those locations.
Chair Wedekind thanked outgoing Mayor Patrick Liston for his service and cooperation with Campus Commission activities during his term in office.
Motion by Mielke, seconded by Wedekind to adjourn and set the
next, regular meeting date for Thursday, May 15, 2008 at 9:00 A.M.
carried and the meeting adjourned at 9:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted: Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk/Secretary