UW Extention Arts & Culture Committee

DATE: December 29, 2008

Members present: Judy Ashford, Pete Tollakson, Donna Stehling, Marcy Huffaker, Lester Weise

Guests Present: Orris Smith

Advisory Committee Members: Jaedike, Anderson, Loomis
UWEX Staff Present: Sue Nagelkerk, Jenny Erickson, Angela Ziehen, Danielle Varney, Sandy Miskowiak-Larsen

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 1 PM by Chair Ashford.

Certification of Open Meeting Notice

Requirements of the Open Meeting Law were met.

Approval of Agenda

Motion made by Tollakson, second by Stehling to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting

Motion made by Tollakson, second by Stehling to approve the minutes of the last meeting as corrected. Motion carried.

Public Comment



Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers (UW Extension)

A motion was made by Tollaksen, second by Huffaker to approve the UW Extension vouchers for the month of November in the amount of $59,384.01. Motion carried.

UW Extension - Department Update

Varney & Zeihen, Wisconsin Nutrition Education Program (WNEP), reported on how they are working with the county's food pantries.

Miskowiak-Larsen (4-H) reported on what programs she has worked on during the last year and what new programs and projects she will be working on in the coming year.

Sauk County UW Extension Yearly Review

The Sauk County UW Extension staff will have their annual review on Thursday, March 26 starting at 1 PM. Dick Pedersen, Southern District Director, will be in attendance.

Discussion of Office credit card

After some discussion of the Sauk County UW Extension Office credit card, it was the consensus of the committee that one would be beneficial for our use and to follow through with the proper procedures.


Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers

A motion was made by Tollaksen second by Stehling to approve the vouchers for the month of November in the amount of $31,972.00. Motion carried.

Approval of mini grants, grants, artist registry and historic registry:


Report from Supervisor Huffaker on Economic Committee issues
Huffaker reported that they are still working on their Mission Statement and Goals. They are also discussing a long-term solution to communications for Sauk County.

Consider approval of proposed changes in our grant application regulations

After discussion on the proposed changes to the grant application and guidelines a motion was made by Tollaksen and second by Stehling to accept the changes. Motion carried.

Consider approval for Sue Nagelkerk's Art Appreciation for Young Thinkers Proposal

After discussion on the new program that Nagelkerk would like to do with child care providers on "Art Appreciation for Young Thinkers". The committee thought the program was a good idea. A motion was made by Stehling second by Huffaker to allow program expenses up to $900.00 to buy books and other materials for this curriculum. Motion carried.

Consider request from Sauk County Historical Society for $265 to rebind 10 or ll historical books that are in disrepair.

A presentation was made by Orris Smith, Historical Society Director, on the disrepair of many of the books that are used by the public for genology reference. A motion was made by Tollaksen second by Stehling to allow up to $265 to rebind the books that need repair. Motion carried.

Request from Nancy Piedelstein to display artwork in the West Square Building

This request was referred to the UWEX, Arts & Culture Committee. After discussion it was the consensus of the committee to allow Nancy Piedelstein to hang artwork in the West Square Building. Jenny Erickson will follow up with this request.

Consider request for stained glass windows in the new Health Care Center

After discussion of this request it was the consenus of the committee to research possible artists that might be interested in this project.

Next meeting and agenda items: January 22, 2009 at 9 am in the ETN Room of the West Square Building


A motion was made by Tollaksen, second by Stehling to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Submitted by:Sue Nagelkerk, Co-Department Head