UW Extention Arts & Culture Committee

DATE: January 22, 2009

Members present: Judy Ashford, Pete Tollakson, Donna Stehling, Marcy Huffaker, Lester Weise

Guests Present: Orris Smith

Advisory Committee Members: Jaedike, Anderson, Loomis

UWEX Staff Present: Sue Nagelkerk, Denise Brusveen, John Exo

Call to Order

Certification of Open Meeting Notice

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting

Public Comment



A thank you note was read from Katherine Lucht, a recipient of one of the Alice in Dairyland Scholarships in 2008.


Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers (UW Extension)

A motion was made by Tollaksen, second by Wiese to approve the UW Extension vouchers for the month of December. Motion carried.

UW Extension - Department Update

Brusveen reported on the success of the Manure Digest Summit (102 in attendance). She also reported on the Dairy Analysis Program that she was asked to be part of. The concenus of the committee was to go ahead with the program and submit a paper upon the completion of the program. She also reported on the program she was involved with Doug Marshall (MATC) on Animal Replacement and Breeding.

Exo discussed the Woodland Owners series that he has been part of that was held in Fennimore in Grant County. The purpose of this series was to try to reach those woodland owners that have been unreached. He felt the program was very successful.

Sauk County UW Extension Yearly Review

The Sauk County UW Extension staff will have their annual review on Thursday, March 26 starting at 1 PM. Dick Pedersen, Southern District Director, will be in attendance. There will be an optional lunch held at 11:30 am for the cost of $10.00.

Alice in Dairyland Scholarship

A discussion was held on the amount of the scholarship for the Alice in Dairyland Scholarship provided to students going into an agriculture field. At present, they are giving two $250.00 scholarships. After the discussion, it was decided that one scholarship of $500.00 should be given. Motion made by Wiese second by Tollaksen to give one scholarship of $500.00. Motion carried.


Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers

A motion was made by Tollaksen second by Huffaker to approve the vouchers for the month of December. Motion carried.

Approval of mini grants, grants, artist registry and historic registry


Report from Supervisor Huffaker on Economic Committee issues

Huffaker reported that they are still working on their Mission Statement and Goals. They are also considering possible public and private partnerships.

Items for Discussion

Next meeting and agenda items:

February 26 at 9 am in the ETN Room of the West Square Building


A motion was made by Tollaksen, second by Huffaker to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Submitted by: Sue Nagelkerk, Co-Department Head