DATE: March 26, 2009
Members present: Judy Ashford, Donna Stehling, Lester Weise, Marcy Huffakcer
Guests Present: Dick Pederson
Advisory Committee Members: Al Anderson, Dale Loomis
UWEX Staff Present: Sue Nagelkerk, Jenny Erickson, Jessica Jens, Denise Brusveen, John Exo, Danielle Varney, Angela Zeihen and Michael Wickus
Call to Order
Certification of Open Meeting Notice
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting
Public Comment - None
Communications - None
Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers (UW Extension)
UW Extension - Department Update
- Shelly Hooper, LTE, was introduced
- There was a motion by Stehling, second by Huffaker to support the work of the Sauk County UW Cooperative Extension. Motion carried.
- A game (developed by Jessica Jens, Sauk County 4-H Youth Development Agent) was played as part of the Agents' Annual Review. Questions were asked and members had hand-held buttons to answer the questions. Then the Agent would present more information on the correct answer.
- Dick Pederson, Southern District Director, updated the UW Extension budget.
Ag Incubator
- Denise Brusveen, Sauk County Agricultural Agent, discussed the Ag Incubator that may be in a wing at the new Sauk County Health Care Center. There will be a feasibility survey. There will also be a certified kitchen and ideas to rent out plots.
WACEC Annual/Summer Meeting in Columbia County - Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2009
- This annual event will be hosted by Columbia County and will be in Portage with tours to Arlington.
Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers
Consider preservation/humanities panel recommendation for the major grant awards
A discussion was held on the grant awards. A motion was made by Huffaker and seconded by Stehling to delay any action on these grants until the special meeting that will be held on April 2 at 1 PM. Motion carried.
Next meeting and agenda items: April 23 at 9 AM in the ETN Room of the West Square Building
A motion was made by Wiese, second by Stehling to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Submitted by,
Sue Nagelkerk
Co-Department Head