Board of Supervisors


DATE: August 18, 2009


West Square Building , 505 Broadway, Room #326, Baraboo , Wisconsin , 53913 .

•  Call to order: 6:00 p.m.

•  Compliance with Open Meeting Law.

•  Roll call: Present: (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Huffaker.

•  Invocation and pledge of allegiance.

Chair Krueger announcement:

•  Taken off agenda: Appearance of 42 nd Assembly Representative Fred Clark.

•  Approve amended agenda: Moved (Tollaksen/Wenzel). Motion carried unanimously .

•  Approve minutes of previous session Of July 21, 2009: Moved (Volz/Gaalswyk). Motion carried unanimously .

•  Scheduled appearances:

•  Fred Clark, 42 nd State Assembly Representative: State Budget

•  Teri Buros, Interim CEO of Southwest Family Care Alliance : Annual

Report. (handout)

•  Public Comment: None.

•  Communications:

•  Letter from Steve Hilgenberg, 51 st Assembly District State Representative, regarding recently passed 2009-2011 State budget.

•  Letter from District 17 State Senator Dale W. Schultz, regarding Assembly Bill 149 in relation to lost revenue.

•  Village of North Freedom Resolution #438 School Safety Measures . requesting the Sauk County Highway Department post signs dropping the speed limit by the North Freedom School to 25 miles an hour from S4795 County Trunk I and that school crossing signs and reduce speed ahead signs be posted at all points necessary for the safety of the children attending the school.

•  Letter from Michael J. Carignan, President of Village of North Freedom, on behalf of the North Freedom Village Board and the North Freedom Elementary School , requesting the speed limit on County Highway I North of the Village of North Freedom and the Nor Freedom Elementary School be dropped to 25 miles per hour as far north as allowable.

•  Claims: None.

•  Appointments:

Southwest Badger Resource Conservation & Development Council, citizen member - new appointment: Gene Hausner, term to expire April 19, 2010, concurrent with Board of Supervisors term of office.

Transportation Coordination Committee - reappointments :

Janet Pearson , Consumer, Mental Health/AODA 1 year term to expire 08/17/2010

Sue Hebel, Human Services Dept. 1 year term to expire 08/17/2010

Natalie Wilmot, ADRC Benefits Specialist 1 year term to expire 08/17/2010

Dale Meyer, D-Cab in Reedsburg , Transportation Provider 1 year term to expire 08/17/2010

Transportation Coordination Committee - new appointment:

Alan Wildman, II, Sauk-Prairie Transit 1 year term to expire 08/17/2010

Moved (Ashford/Dippel), to accept appointments. Vote: AYE: (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Huffaker. Motion carried unanimously

•  Reports (informational - no action required):

•  Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk, rezoning petitions received per Wisconsin State Statutes 59.69(5)(e): None.

•  Sauk County Second Quarter Financial Report (on file).

•  Bradley D. Viegut, Director with Robert W. Baird: Refinancing of Health Care Center debt (handout).

•  Supervisor Virgil Hartje, and Steve Muchow, Sauk County Highway Commissioner: Impacts of the State Budget on the Highway Department maintenance program.

•  Carolyn Davis , C omprehensive Planning Steering Committee member: U pdate on County Comprehensive Plan .

•  Open houses: September 23, 2009 at UW Baraboo/Sauk County; and September 30,2009 at the Plain Library.

•  Supervisor Endres, Chair, Sauk County Health Care Center Building Committee.

•  Tour for Sauk County Board Supervisors of the new Sauk County Health Care Center: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, at 5:00 p.m.

•  Supervisor Endres will provide Sauk County Board Supervisors with a written copy of thirty one change orders for the new Health Care Center. Supervisor Sinklair requested his copy be sent to his e-mail address

•  Supervisor Endres, Vice-Chair, Executive & Legislative Committee.

•  Marty Krueger, County Board Chair:

•  Future Continuum Of Care Committee appointments

•  Kathryn Schauf, Administrative Coordinator:

•  State and County Budgets

•  Equalized Valuations

•  Foreclosures

•  Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs

•  Consent Agenda: None.


•  Resolutions & Ordinances:


Resolution 98-09 Establishing Fees to be Charged by the County Clerk for the Purchase of Marriage Licenses, Domestic Partnership Agreements and Waivers Thereof. Moved (Zowin/Fordham). Supervisors Zowin and Fordham with overview. Vote: AYE: (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Huffaker. Motion carried unanimously .


Ordinance 99-09 Amending Chapter 11, Public Peace and Order, and Amending Chapter 20, Uniform Citation Ordinance of the Sauk County Code of Ordinances. Moved (Wenzel/Stevens). Supervisors Wenzel and Stevens with overview. Alene Kleczek, Acting Corporation Counsel, regarding State law vs. County ordinances. Vote: AYE: (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (1) Haugen. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Huffaker. Motion carried . Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to §59.02(2), of the Wisconsin State Statutes, August 18, 2009.


Resolution 100-09 Authorizing Contracts with Studio 121 for Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment, Soft Goods for the New Sauk County Health Care Center . Moved (Bychinski/Fordham). Supervisor Bychinski with overview. Chair Krueger regarding future sale of items from the old Health Care Center facility via the Sauk County web site, and an auction at the old Health Care Center facility. Vote: AYE: (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (1) Tollaksen. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Huffaker. Motion carried unanimously .


Ordinance 101-09 Reducing the Speed Limit on a Portion of County Trunk Highway I Located in the Township of Excelsior and the Village of North Freedom. Moved (Gaalswyk/Halfen). Supervisor Gaalswyk with overview. Discussion regarding speed limit reductions allowed per State Statutes. Steve Muchow, Sauk County Highway Commissioner regarding current speed limits and signs currently in place. Alene Kleczek, Acting Corporation Counsel, regarding speed limit reductions allowable per State Statutes and County Ordinance . Vote: AYE: (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Kriegl, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (1) Lehman. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Huffaker. Motion carried . . Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to §59.02(2), of the Wisconsin State Statutes, August 18, 2009.

Resolution 102-09 Authorizing Participation in State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Dam Repair Grant Program. Moved (Hartje/Meister). Supervisor Hartje with overview. Vote: AYE: (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Huffaker. Motion carried unanimously .


Resolution 103-09 Denying Claim Of Verizon. Moved (Alexander/Hartje). Supervisor Alexander with overview. Vote: AYE: (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (1) Sinklair. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Huffaker. Motion carried .


Resolution 104-09 Authorization to Purchase Replacement Boat, Boat Trailer, and Motor. Moved (Stevens/Sinklair). Supervisor Stevens with overview. Discussion regarding boat patrol, boat replacement, and Department of Natural Resources (DNR) funding. Vote: AYE: (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (1) Kriegl. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Huffaker. Motion carried .


Ordinance 105-09 Amending Chapter 7 Sauk County Zoning Ordinance Regarding Setback Requirements For Signs and Updating Camping Regulations to be Consistent with State Code (Petition 10-2009). Moved (Gaalswyk/Netzinger). Supervisor Gaalswyk with overview. Discussion in support of, and in opposition to ordinance. Vote: AYE: (25) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stoeckmann, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin and Krueger. NAY: (4) Haugen, Stevens, Tollaksen and Endres. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Huffaker. Motion carried . Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to §59.69(5)(e)(6), of Wisconsin State Statutes, August 18, 2009.

Resolution 106-09 Approving an Amendment to Town of Merrimac Zoning Ordinance Chapter 6 Agriculture Conservation as Filed by the Town of Merrimac .

Moved (Ashford/Netzinger). Supervisor Ashford with overview. Vote: AYE: (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Huffaker. Motion carried unanimously .

Ordinance 107-09 Approving the Rezoning of Lands in the Town of Reedsburg out of the Shoreland-Wetland District Filed Upon Joseph and Betty Valley, Applicant/Agent (Petition 8-2009). Moved (Lehman/Gaalswyk). Supervisor Lehman with overview. Vote: AYE: (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Huffaker. Motion carried unanimously . Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to §59.69(5)(e)(6), of Wisconsin State Statutes, August 18, 2009.

Ordinance 108-09 Approving the Rezoning of Lands in the Town of Baraboo from a Resource Conservancy 35 to a Commercial Zoning District Filed Upon William and Shirley Brown, Property Owner/Agent (Petition 9-2009). Moved (Gaalswyk/Lehman). Supervisor Gaalswyk with overview. Vote: AYE: (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Volz, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Huffaker. Motion carried unanimously . Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to §59.69(5)(e)(6), of Wisconsin State Statutes, August 18, 2009.

•  Motion (Montgomery/Carlson) to adjourn until Tuesday, September 15, 2009, at

6:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously .

•  Adjournment: 9:00 p.m.

Original documents on file @ the Office of the Sauk County Clerk

West Square Building , 505 Broadway, Room #144, Baraboo , WI 53913

Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
