Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee

Date:  Wednesday, February 11, 2009             Time:  8:15 a.m.
Place:  Conference Room 213, Second Floor, West Square Building, 505 Broadway,               Baraboo, Wisconsin

Members Present:  Robert Cassity, Chair, Steven Bach, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Arthur Carlson, Marcy Huffaker
Others Present:  Tony Tyczynski, Veterans Service Officer, Trish Vandre, Aging & Disability Resource Center Director, Lee J. Roundy, Aging & Disability Resource Center Fiscal Accounting Technician
Absent:  None

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by R. Cassity at 8:15 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meeting Law.
AGENDA: Motion by T. Bychinski to adopt the Agenda, second by A. Carlson.  Motion carried.

ADOPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Motion by R. Cassity to approve the January 14, 2009 Minutes, as drafted, second by S. Bach. Motion carried.

PUBLIC COMMENT:  None registered.

COMMUNICATIONS:  None registered.

            A.  Veteran Service Officer Update:  T. Tyczynski distributed and presented the highlights of the January/February 2009 Department Update. 
                  1.  Approval of Monthly Vouchers:  Motion by S. Bach to approve the                                    January 2009 vouchers in the amount of $494.52, second by T. Bychinski.   Motion carried.
B.  Aging & Disability Resource Center Director Update:  T. Vandre distributed and        presented the highlights of the January/February 2009 Department Update.
                  1.  Review the 2008 Service Statistics:  L. Roundy distributed and presented the audited 2008 Biennial Service Growth Comparison by Program, 6.15% growth over 2007 services rendered.
                  2.  Review 2008 Annual Report:  Postponed until March Regular Meeting.
                  3.   Review 2008 Donation Report:  L. Roundy presented the 2008 Donation Report, $548,584.00 realized in monetary, item, and in-kind donations for 2008.

                  4.   Review 2008 Year-End Financial Update:  L. Roundy distributed and presented the most current 2008 year-end projection.
                  5.   Consider Approval of Monthly Vouchers:  Motion by T. Bychinski to approve the                                           January 2009 vouchers in the amount of $38,155.16, second by S. Bach.                                                          Motion carried.
                  6.   Financial Statements:  L. Roundy presented the monthly Financial Statements and entertained any questions.
                  7.   2010 Budget Preparation Review Form 1 Mission and Vision:  Committee   discussed short-term and long-term goals.
                  8.   Review Transportation Bus Lease(s) Request for Proposal:  T. Vandre presented the Lease RFP for Committee discussion.
                  9.   Discuss Draft AddLife Today Newsletter Advertisement Policy:  T. Vandre      presented the draft Policy for Committee discussion.
                  10. Discuss Idea of Private Pay Policy for Older American Act Programs:  T. Vandre presented the idea of a Private Pay Policy for Older American Act Programs for        Committee discussion.

Consider Approval of Transportation Fare Increase from $0.20 to $0.25 Per Mile:  Motion by S. Bach to postpone vote until March Regular Meeting, second by T. Bychinski.  Motion carried.

AGING & DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE UPDATE:  A. Carlson presented the update from the most recent meeting.

AGING & DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER OF SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN- NORTH BOARD UPDATE:  S. Bach presented the update from the most recent meeting.

NEXT MEETING:  The next Regular Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Meeting will be held Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 8:15 a.m. at the West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Baraboo, Conference Room 213.
ADJOURNMENT:  Motion by S. Bach to adjourn the Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee at 10:37 a.m., second by A. Carlson.  Motion carried.

Signed by: S. Bach, Secretary