Transportation Coordination Committee

DATE: February 4, 2009

Minutes for the Transportation Coordination Committee meeting, respectfully submitted by Ashley Nedeau-Owen.

In attendance: Steven Bach - County Supervisor, Jim Brown - Wheels of Independence, Art Carlson - County Supervisor, Betty Durst - Citizen Member, Dale Meyer - D-Cab of Reedsburg, Ashley Nedeau-Owen - Mobility Manager, Janet Pearson - Citizen Member, Ralph Soeldner - Citizen Member, Trish Vandre Director ADRC of Sauk County, Natalie Wilmot - Disability Benefit Specialist

Absent: Sue Hebel - Department of Human Services, Pat McGinty - Brown Cab, Michael Coleman - Sureway Taxi, Theron Hill - Citizen Member, Sandy Roemer-Rutter - Citizen Member, Phyllis Johnson - Citizen Member, Darwin Nelson - Citizen Member,

  1. Called to order and declared in compliance with open meeting law at 10:30 by Trish Vandre.
  2. Carlson moved to adopt the agenda, Nelson second, motion passed unanimously.
  3. Minutes from prior meeting were not submitted for adoption.
  4. There was no public comment.
  5. There were no communications received.
  6. Board members were urged to seek/solicit comments from their constituents. Members of the committee were urged to post comments on the web site.
  7. A brief discussion of existing services touched on STRAP and New Freedom grant implementation, the Work N Wheels program and Community Car, LLC.
  8. Bach moved and Durst seconded a motion, "encouraging the ADRC to apply for a 5310 grant in order to acquire two replacement vehicles - one lift-equipped van and one lift-equipped bus." Motion passed unanimously.
  9. Staff was encouraged to inquire of the DOT about the availability of 100% (no local match requirement) Capital Grants.
  10. Committee decided by consensus that it had no role to play in county shared-ride taxi fare setting.
  11. Carlson and Wilmot agreed to work with staff to plan and carry out the Locally Developed Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan for 2009. A recommendation was made to invite a member of the Continuum of Care Development Committee - maybe Joan Fordham - to join this unofficial subcommittee of the TCC.
  12. Discussion of Specialized Medical Vehicle shortage. No response developed.
  13. Discussion of long range planning issues included moving Sauk Prairie Hospital planned relocation to long range planning as it is not expected to occur for at least two years.
  14. Future meeting dates were set for 2009 on May 6, August 5 and November 4.
  15. Bach moved to adjourn, seconded by Durst, passed unanimously.