DATE: March 26, 2009
Members present: Marty Krueger, Al Dippel, Don Stevens, Joel Gaalswyck, Marcy Huffaker, Kathy Zowin, Gerald Lehman
Members absent:
Others present: Kathy Schauf, Tim Stieve, Phil Raab, Ken Schlager, Michael Whaley
The meeting was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 6:30 p .m. The agenda was approved on a motion by Dippel, second by Stevens, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.
Motion by Stevens, second by Dippel to approve minutes from prior meeting on February 09, 2009. Motion carried .
Public Comment:
Information of development of ag incubator.
Economic development initiatives that are part of the governor's proposed budget.
Business Items :
Appearance by Michael Whaley of C4C .
Center for Creativity. Reviewed history of group origins. Acknowledges that creativity goes beyond the bounds of the arts to all business, government and NPO sectors. Identify emerging needs to link resources to. Updated committee on membership and projects undertaken by the group. Major accomplishment is the creation of a position in the Spring Green school district to foster creativity.
Update on reinvestment / stimulus dollars .
Introduction to Reinvestment and Recovery web -site and making application.
Expansion of fiber optic infrastructure and broadband
Appearance by Ken Schlager . Presentation on a plan for a buildout based on a variety of technologies.
Update / consideration of submission of EDA grant regarding . NEPA evaluation will need to be conducted for an estimated cost of $25,000 to $30,000.
Update on Merrimac Bridge study and discussion of next steps .
Deliverables by the end of August. Ayers and Associates will be the vendor on the project. Issues for next steps if the study shows that problems exist will be explored by Wisconsin Southern. Investigation of alternatives will begin at the next meeting.
Vision, mission and goals, discussion of next steps .
Next meeting.
Next meeting date: April 27, 2009 at 6:30 p.m..
M otion by Zowin second by Huffaker, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Zowin
Economic Development Committee Secretary