Economic Development Committee

DATE: June 30, 2009

Members present: Marty Krueger, Al Dippel, Don Stevens, Joel Gaalswyck, Marcy Huffaker, Gerald Lehman

Members absent: Kathy Zowin,

Others present: Kathy Schauf, Phil Raab, Karna Hanna, Ashley Nedeau-Owen

The meeting was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 5:00 p .m. The agenda was approved on a motion by Dippel, second by Stevens, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.

Public Comment: None

Communications: None

Business Items :

Presentation by the Sauk County Development Corporation . Karna Hanna presented the Annual Report. Noted that 2008 was a difficult year for agriculture and manufacturing. Identified plans for future targeted areas of growth. Focus on entrepreneurial growth.

Discussion and update on transportation sector initiative. Definition of transportation: The movement of people and goods. Beginning discussion on transportation issues. Work that Thrive has been working on was briefly highlighted. Bus route was brought forward from an informational standpoint.

Update on Hilbert Communications agreement. Agreement is being finalized as technical details are being worked on. Timeline and build-out are being worked on cooperatively. Basic principles and MOU have been signed.

Consideration and discussion of EDA grant application. Discussed need for expenditures to be made in order to continue processing this application. The project is being looked upon favorably at the regional level.

Update on Merrimac Bridge Study. Ken Lucht has arranged for a site visit on July 17. Final portion of the bridge study will be conducted at that time. Preliminary and below water analysis show no immediate problems.

Overview of property inventory. Information was distributed for discussion at the next meeting.

Next meeting date: July 27, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. M otion by Stevens, second by Gaalswyck, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Zowin

Economic Development Committee Secretary