DATE: September 28, 2009
Members present: Marty Krueger, Don Stevens, Joel Gaalswyck, Gerald Lehman, Kathy Zowin, Al Dippel
Members absent: Marcy Huffaker
Others present: Kathy Schauf, Phil Raab, Tim Stieve, Alene Kleczek, media
The meeting was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 6:37 p .m. The agenda was approved on a motion by Lehman, second by Gaalswyck, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.
Public Comment: None
Communications: Gaalswyck shared communications from Dale Schultz's office regarding rural broadband.
The meeting minutes from prior meetings (including special meetings) were approved on a motion by Gaalswyck, second by Stevens. Motion carried.
Business Items
Attendees at Economic Development Workshop. The committee solicited members to attend the upcoming conference.
Update on Hilbert Communications agreement . Steve Schneider appeared to update the committee on the project status. It is anticipated that the entire ring will be lit by the end of the week. Hilbert is committed to proceeding with proposal as planned. Steve updated the committee on Hilbert's application for ARRA funds.
Consideration of fiber rate structure. Update on Kentucky Datalink . Stieve presented an updated fee schedule(s). Discussion ensued around the need for consistency and incremental increases in cost to cover ongoing fees. Negotiations with Kentucky Datalink are ongoing. Fee structure will be adjusted for consistency with a 20, 10 and 5 year lease reduction and incremental increases for maintenance (assumes partial pre-payment).
Update on Merrimac Bridge Study . Final study will be available at the next regular meeting.
Consideration and discussion of EDA grant application . Additional information on engineering and environmental narrative have been provided to the EDA. We will continue to provide updates regarding environmental impacts and historic implications as they become available. We are awaiting a determination on metes and bounds requirement, and will be ascertaining funds necessary for archeological study necessary to complete the research required by the Wisconsin State Historic Preservation Officer.
Discussion of property inventory . Information was distributed regarding stakeholder input on the community forest and details of the final use plan for the closed solid waste site, and a map detailing where county owned property is located.
Next meeting date: October 26, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. M otion by Gaalswyck, second by Stevens, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Zowin
Economic Development Committee Secretary