DATE: November 23, 2009
Members present: Marty Krueger, Don Stevens, Joel Gaalswyck, Al Dippel, Marcy Huffaker
Members absent: Kathy Zowin . Gerald Lehman
Others present: Kathy Schauf, Ken Lucht, Andy Skwor, Karna Hanna, William F. Wenzel, media
The meeting was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 6:30 p .m. The agenda was approved on a motion by Dippel, second by Gaalswyck, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.
The meeting minutes from prior meetings were approved on a motion by Gaalswyck, second by Stevens. Motion carried.
Public Comment: None
Communications: To be discussed with the update on the EDA grant application.
Business Items
Update by UWEX-Arts and Culture Committee - "The Great American Think-Off" - Marcy Huffaker
Huffaker highlighted former programmatic success. The Wormfarm in Reedsburg is contemplating a similar venture in Sauk County based on a similar philosophical base.
Discussion of possible resubmission of 25 x 25 grant - Marcy Huffaker and Andy Skwor
Sauk County made joint application in 2008 for a planning grant for energy usage. Although not awarded the funding opportunity is open again for the upcoming year. The goal of the grant is to be 25% renewable by 2025. Motion by Stevens, second by Dippel to recommend to Property and Resources that the County reapply for the 25 x 25 grant with the City of Baraboo and the University of Wisconsin Sauk County . Motion carried.
Review of the Workforce Education Summit - Karna Hanna, Huffaker and Dippel
Karna Hanna updated the committee on the agenda items of note from the summit. The workforce education website was discussed as far as next steps. Trends and data on workforce demographics and changes in labor composition were highlighted.
Update on Merrimac Bridge Study by Ken Lucht.
20% of total cost of the bridge study was funded by Sauk County . Issues: Undercutting of substructure is an issue and one pier is missing a nose. Each of the abutments have corrosion. Superstructure spans and structure are under-rated (current standard E80 rather than E40). To be completed : Examination, modeling and analysis are underway and analysis of ice loading are part of the ongoing analysis. Questions: How will continuous welded rail affect the entire structure? Questions regarding encasement of piers and underlying structure are still at question.
The study is approximately 75% complete. Final study will have enumeration of repairs, maintenance issues, and potential replacement. Study will have conclusions and recommendations for existing standards and cost for bringing the structure to E80 standards.
The State of Wisconsin has a grant program for bridges that are in jeopardy of abandonment.
Briefing on rail issues and attending developments.
Krueger noted that the bridge report was a foundation for understanding what the resources for a continued dialog on rail in the County are. The goal of this evening is to provide a briefing of what is on the radar screen in relation to rail.
A summary of issues surrounding rail are:
• Right-of-way through Badger Army Ammunition Plant has been finalized and the State is in control of the right-of-way.
• The Pink Lady Rail Commission has undergone changes. Al Anderson has taken the spot vacated by Dick Goddard. It is anticipated that Extension will be utilized as a facilitation resource.
• Mid-Continent is planning on opening a museum in Mazomanie for a portion of the collection. Mid-Continent feels this will benefit the North Freedom operation.
• WSOR, Mid-Continent and the Coop in Sauk City have proposed that the rail bridge in Sauk repaired and a spur line run out to them. Mid-Continent would like to have a presence in Sauk City for a children's museum. The joint planning commission (Sauk and Prairie) had presentations by each of the parties.
The desire for a consolidated discussion about the future of rail in this county with all stakeholders at the table was expressed so that the entire situation can be examined. The County and the Sauk County Development Corporation can hold an open discussion and lay out future needs of each of the stakeholder groups.
Update on EDA grant application . Consideration of route alternatives. Additional information is being provided on engineering and environmental narratives. An alternative route to include Loganville to Ironton and eliminating connection to the point of presence is contemplated.
Consideration of criteria and process for Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds.
Committee considered program criteria and timeline for moving the program forward.
Next meeting date: December 28, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. M otion by Stevens, second by Gaalswyck, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Zowin
Economic Development Committee Secretary